
… alle Verhältnisse umzuwerfen, in denen der Mensch ein erniedrigtes, ein geknechtetes, ein verlassenes, ein verächtliches Wesen ist … (Marx)

Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen Linken – eine Auswahl

Posted by entdinglichung - 3. April 2009

Ältere Archiv-Updates und Hinweise zu weiteren linken Archivalien unter „Sozialistika„.

Luxemburger Anarchist:

* Rudolf Rocker: Über den Begriff des Kleinbürgers (1953)

Marxists Internet Archive (MIA):

* John Reed: Die Industriearbeiter der Welt (1920)
* Rosa Luxemburg: Le problème des nationalités dans le Caucase (1908)
* Jack London: Debs‘ Traum (1914)
* Oscar Wilde: Die Seele des Menschen im Sozialismus (1891)
* Johann Georg Eccarius: The Last Stage of Bourgeois Society (1851)
* Johann Georg Eccarius: The Well-being of the Working Classes (1851)
* Johann Georg Eccarius: A Working Man’s Refutation of Some Points of Political Economy Endorsed and Advocated by John Stuart Mill (1866/1867)
* Paul Mattick: Review: “The Uses of Power.” (1936)
* Ernest Mandel: Världsrevolution och fredlig samexistens (1970)
* Michel Pablo: Tito Speaks (1953)
* Mansoor Hekmaat: Démocratie : Conceptions et réalités (1993)
* Steve Zeluck: The Role of Statism in the Colonial World (1954)
* Leo Trotzki: Perspectives of American Marxism (1932)
* Leo Trotzki: “It Is Necessary to Drive the Bureaucracy and the New Aristocracy Out of the Soviets” (1938)
* Leo Trotzki: Thälmann och ”Folkrevolutionen” (1931)
* Jean-Paul Sartre: Massor, spontanitet, parti (1969)
* Eduard Bernstein: Die Beurtheilung des widernormalen Geschlechtsverkehrs (1895 … nach heutigen Maßstäben nicht gerade sonderlich progressiv)
* Daniel De Leon: Texte aus dem Daily People vom Juni 1906:
* * 1906, June 1 – Moonshine Reflexes of Capitalism
* * 1906, June 3 – Imitating Artemus Ward
* * 1906, June 4 – Colorado in Mexico
* * 1906, June 6 – The Coming Chorus of Words and Deeds
* * 1906, June 9 – Giving the Snap Away
* * 1906, June 11 – A Japanese Masterpiece
* * 1906, June 12 – Locking Horns
* * 1906, June 13 – Out-Doing the Packers
* * 1906, June 14 – Ears of the Jackass as Long as Ever
* * 1906, June 15 – Welcome Home!
* * 1906, June 16 – Giving Up the Fight
* * 1906, June 17 – St. Paul
* * 1906, June 18 – The „Risks“ of Capital
* * 1906, June 19 – Lo, a Clown!
* * 1906, June 20 – A Word on Cincinnati
* * 1906, June 21 – Class Law Self-Exhibited
* * 1906, June 22 – Fortunately, Too Late
* * 1906, June 23 – Moral Morgues
* * 1906, June 24 – The Messianic Age
* * 1906, June 30 – Article IV, Sec. 4
* Anton Pannekoek: Pro en contra: betreffende vraagstukken van algemeen belang (1908)
* Anton Pannekoek: De oorlog zijn oorsprong en zijn bestrijding (1915)
* Anton Pannekoek: Godsdienst en socialisme (1905)
* Anton Pannekoek: Marxisme en revisionisme (1906)
* Anton Pannekoek: Sociedade e Mente na Filosofia Marxiana (1937)
* Anton Pannekoek: Marxismo e Darwinismo (1912)
* Herman Gorter: Het revisionisme in de praktijk (1906)
* Artikel aus der Fourth International, 1953/1954:
* * Quatrième Internationale: Revolutionary Tide Reaches USSR (1953)
* * George Clarke: Stalin’s Role – Stalinism’s Future (1953)
* * One Year of the Bolivian Revolution (1953)
* * V. Grey: The Case of Owen Lattimore, (1953)
* * Jean-Paul Martin: Democracy and Workers’ Rule (1953)
* * Manager’s Column (1953)
* * Allen Winters: Peonage in the Southwest (1953)
* * Labor in Revolutionary China (1953)
* * Quatrième Internationale: China’s First Five-Year Plan (1953)
* * Correspondence: Editorial Note (1953)
* * Letter from M. Stein (1953)
* * Reply by George Clarke (1953)
* * Discussion Articles: Editorial Note (1953)
* * George Clarke: Shake-up in the Kremlin (1953)
* * George Clarke: The June Days in Review (1953)
* * The Editors: The East German Uprising (1953)
* * NC/SWP: American Stalinism – and Our Attitude Toward It (1953)
* * Allen Winters: Problems of Farm Labor, Part II (1953)
* * Letter from Leonard Sanchez (1953)
* * Tom Milton: Sidney Hook’s: Heresy, Yes – Conspiracy, No (1953)
* * NC/SWP: Major Developments Since Eisenhower’s Election (1953)
* * Labor in Revolutionary China (1953)
* * Tom Milton: Cartels Respect No Flag (b1953)
* * Index for Vols. XIII and XIV, 1952-1953 (1953)
* * To All Our Readers (1954)
* * Art Sharon: The Opposition to McCarthyism (1954)
* * Lynn Marcus: Automation – The New Industrial Revolution (1954 hinter dem Autor Lynn Marcus verbirgt sich niemand anderes als Lyndon LaRouche)
* * Manager’s Column (1954)
* * The Editors: His Ideas Still Live (1954)
* * Jean Blake: The Continuing Struggle for Negro Equality (1954)
* * Vincent Grey: Lessons of the Chinese Revolution (1954)
* * Manager’s Column (1954)
* * Milton Alvin: Does “Co-Existence” Mean Peace? (1954)
* * From Our Readers (1954)
* Ted Grant: The Workers’ War Is The Class War! (1940)
* Ted Grant: Defend the Soviet Union—Fascism Can Only be Defeated by International Socialism (1941)
* Ted Grant: Why U.S.S.R. is suffering reverses—Internationalism has been abandoned (1941)
* Ted Grant: The Rise and Fall of the Communist International (1943)
* Ted Grant: Stalin scraps “Internationale” (1944)
* Ted Grant: Churchill Preparing Peace of Revenge (1944)
* Ted Grant: The I.L.P. at the Crossroads (1945)
* Ted Grant: Perspectives in Britain (1946)
* Ted Grant: Wall Street victory in Italy (1948)


* Richard Gunn: Notes on class (1987)

La Bataille Socialiste:

* Grandizo Munis: La Gorbatchade en technologie et transparence (1987)
* Groepen van Internationale Communisten (GIC): Fundamental Principles of Communist Production and Distribution (1) (1930)
* Jean-Baptiste Séverac: Le socialisme n’a pas besoin de surhommes (1933, Auszug aus Le Parti socialiste, ses principes et ses tâches)
* Informations et correspondance ouvrières (ICO): Capitalisme et lutte de classes en Pologne (1970-1971) (1975)
* Edgar Hardcastle: The Coming Struggle in India (1935)
* Socialisme Mondial: La Lutte des Classes en Pologne (1977)
* D. Saint-James: La bonne vieille lutte des classes (1980)

Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition (MAO):

Auswertung von Materialien zu folgenden Orten/Betrieben/Gruppen/Personen:
* Clausthal-Zellerfeld
* Bad Gandersheim und Kreiensen
* Kommunistischer Bund Braunschweig: Rote Arbeiterzeitung 1972/73
* Wolff Walsrode und IG Chemie Bomlitz
* Landkreis Soltau-Fallingbostel
* Kassel-Wehlheiden: Belgiersiedlung


Collectif Smolny:

* Sean O’Casey: The Story of the Irish Citizen Army (1919)
* World Revolution: Sean O’Casey and the 1916 Easter Rising (2006)
* Simone Weil: Déclaration à la conférence d’unification des groupes de la gauche communiste (1933)

By Any Means Necessary:

* Michael Löwy: Marxism and Religion: Opiate of the People? (2005)
* Michael Löwy: Marx, Weber and the Critique of Capitalism (2002)

Centro de Documentación de los Movimientos Armados (CeDeMA):

* Movimiento de Liberación Nacional – Tupamaros (MLN-Tupamaros): Los métodos de los Tupamaros (1969)
* Partido Comunista de El Salvador (PCS): Fundamentos y Tesis de la Línea General del Partido Comunista de El Salvador (1979)
* Grupos de Combatientes Populares (GCP): Dinamita Nº 12 (2004)

Irish Left Archive auf The Cedar Lounge Revolution:

* British and Irish Communist Organization (BICO)/Workers Association: Workers‘ Weekly, Januar 1975

Workers‘ Liberty:

* Gery Lawless/Rachel Lever/Eamonn Mc Cann/Sean Matgamna: Ireland and Permanent Revolution: a Discussion (1966/1967)
* Ernie Haberkern: The Left and Max Shachtman Part 1 (1995)
* Dan Katz and Chris Reynolds: An open letter to Tony Benn: „The main enemy is Serb imperialism“ (1995)
* Tony Benn: „The main enemy is NATO“ (1995)

Europe solidaire sans frontières (ESSF):

Marc Bonhomme: Perspective québécoise : nation et impérialisme néolibéral (2004)


Porichoy Patrika, Nr. 5, 7-8, 11-12 1958

Weekly Worker (CPGB):

* Frank Grafton: Mines: ‘our’ industry? (1984)

Ansonsten hier noch der Hinweis auf einen Artikel auf Kasama, welcher an den am 1. Februar im alter von 64 Jahren verstorbenen 68er, Revolutionär und LBGT-Aktivisten Steve Hamilton.

Eine Antwort to “Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen Linken – eine Auswahl”

  1. […] Entdichlung with more from the archive (including Ernie Haberkern: The Left and Max Shachtman Part 1 AWL 1995). Published in: […]

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