
… alle Verhältnisse umzuwerfen, in denen der Mensch ein erniedrigtes, ein geknechtetes, ein verlassenes, ein verächtliches Wesen ist … (Marx)

Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen (und nicht so radikalen) Linken

Posted by entdinglichung - 23. September 2010

ältere Archiv-Updates und Hinweise zu weiteren linken Archivalien unter „Sozialistika“ und im Download-ArchivKritische Geschichte erinnert anlsslich seines 25. Todestages an Wolfgang Abendroth, Poumista erinnert an José Antonio Labordeta (1935-2010) und Bitan Bhowmik analysiert auf Sanhati in The Bengal Experiment – Model or Farce? die Genese und die Krise des (reformistischen) „Modells Westbengalens“:

Freedom Socialist Party (FSP):

* Melba Windoffer: Struggle for a Proletarian Party: The Rise and Decline of the SWP, 1940 – 1965 (1974)
* Clara Fraser: Origins of FSP’s Theory on the Leadership of Women of Color (1977)

Rassembler, diffuser les archives des révolutionnaires (RaDAR):

* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): La Vérité des travailleurs, November 1960
* Opposition communiste: Contre le courant, 15. Dezember 1928

La Bataille Socialiste:

* Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin: Lettre à Chliapnikov (1914)

Marxists Internet Archive (MIA):

* New Left Notes: SDS Expels PL (1969)
* Daniel Bensaïd: Multitudes Ventríloquas (2005)
* Paul Mattick: El ‚héroe‘ de Kronstadt escribe la historia. Reseña a: La revolución traicionada de León Trotsky (1937)
* Paul Mattick: Divisão do Trabalho e Consciência de Classe (1971)
* Emile Armand: What is an Anarchist? (1925)
* Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis: De geschiedenis van het socialisme (1901)
* Pierre Frank: Teorin om den permanenta revolutionen (1981)
* May 29: Aramburu Dies – The Montoneros are Born (1973)
* Revolutionary Marxist Caucus (RMC): Revolutionary Marxist Caucus Newsletter (1970-1971)
* Labor Party Committee – California: Workers Action (1968-1969)
* Revolutionary Communist Youth (RCY): Revolutionary Communist Youth Newsletter (1971-1973)
* Ted Grant: Britain: director shows the real face of capitalism (1965)
* Revolutionära Marxisters Förbund (RMF): Mullvaden, 4/1971:
** Chile – en ”fredlig väg till socialism”
** Jan Myrdal ut i intet
* In Struggle!: A [4th] Congress summation from some B.C. sympathisers (1982)
* In Struggle!: Unreserved nationalism – The League’s “reserve nation” (1978)

Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition (MAO):

* Äthiopien und Eritrea
* Oberhausen. Teil 3: Eisen- und Stahlindustrie (Deutsche Babcock/MAN), Chemie (Ruhrchemie AG/STEAG)
* Oberhausen. Teil 4: Betrieb und Gewerkschaft (DGB, IGM und ÖTV) / Schüler und Studenten / Stadtverwaltung / Wahlen / sonstige Ereignisse
* Oberhausen. Teil 5: Der KABD in Oberhausen
* Düsseldorf: Düsseldorfer Waggonfabrik AG (DÜWAG) Lierenfeld
* Waldkirch
* Waldkirch: Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium
* Waldkirch: Blessing
* Düsseldorf: Mannesmann Röhrenwerke Lierenfeld und Rath
* Dortmund: Bundesweite Vietnamdemonstration am 20. Januar 1973
* Bonn: Bundesweite Vietnamdemonstration am 14. Januar 1973
* Düsseldorf-Stadtbezirk 8: Eller und Lierenfeld


* Freedom: El anarquismo en el Japón (1890)


* Wayne Thorpe: Revolutionary syndicalist internationalism, 1913-1923: the origins of the International Working Men’s Association (1979)
* The Angry Brigade – documents and chronology (1878/1985)
* Marshall S. Shatz: Jan Waclaw Machajski: A Radical Critic Of The Russian Intelligensia And Socialism (1989)
* Faridabad Majdoor Samachar: Isolated Social Work in the Household (2003)
* Bob Darke; Poor Lenin (1952/1993, Auszug)
* Armed struggle in Italy, 1976-1978 (?)
* McDonalds Workers Resistance: Launch statement (2000)
* McDonalds Workers Resistance: MWR solidarity statement for public meeting in Houston (2002)
* McDonalds Workers Resistance: McDonalds Workers Resistance monthly reports (2001-2002)
* McDonalds Workers Resistance: Donalds Workers Resistance aims and principles (200?)
* McDonalds International Liberation Front (MILF): Statement (2002)
* Mouvement Communiste: Critical review of the ABC of communism (2007)
* Mouvement Communiste: Unions and political struggle (2003)
* Mouvement Communiste: Urban transport in Italy (2004)

The Cedar Lounge Revolution:

* Republican Worker Tendency: The Downing Street Declaration ‘New Unionism and the Communities of Resistance (1994)

Centro de Documentación de los Movimientos Armados (CeDeMA):

* Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN): Parte de guerra Nº 9 (1978)
* Frente Democrático Revolucionario (FDR): Carta del Frente Democrático Revolucionario a la OEA (1980)
* Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN): Comunicado de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del FMLN (1989)

Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières (ESSF):

* Daniel Bensaïd: Trotsky, un passeur du siècle (2000)
* Eric Toussaint/Fidel Vascos Gonzales: Il faut une Banque du Sud (2007)
* Eric Toussaint: Banque du Sud, contexte international et alternatives (2006)
* Eric Toussaint: L’envers des miracles chinois et indiens (2008)
* Eric Toussaint/Damien Millet: Retour sur les causes de la crise alimentaire mondiale (2007)

Workers‘ Liberty:

* Rosa Luxemburg: Socialism and The Churches (1905)
* Sean Matgamna: Reply to John McIlroy (2005)

The Irish Election Literature Blog:

* Socialist Workers Party (SWP): An Appeal to Sinn Fein Members: Stay Out Of The Establishment (2005)

The Militant:

* 25, 50 and 75 years ago (1935/1960/1985)
* Jack Barnes: Fight for education as a universal, lifetime activity (2000)

Espace contre ciment:

* Franz Neumann: Die Kontrolle der Arbeit (1942, Auszug aus Behemoth)
* Maximilien Rubel: Marxisme et guerre (A propos du Dictionnaire critique du marxisme) (1983)
* Klaus Heinrich: Gemütlichkeit (1984)
* Georg Christoph Lichtenberg: Sudelbücher (1765-1799, Auszug)
* David Harvey: Le droit à la ville (2008)


* George Harrison: The red dawn: the Bolsheviki and the I.W.W. (1918)
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 19. Juli 1919
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 26. Juli 1919
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 2. August 1919
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 9. August 1919
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 16. August 1919
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 23. August 1919
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 30. August 1919
* Student League for Industrial Democracy (SLID): Proceedings of Annual Convention, Student League for Industrial Democracy : December 1934, Northwestern University (1934)
* Student League for Industrial Democracy (SLID): Resolutions Approved by the 1957 National Convention of the Student League for Industrial Democracy, New York City (1957)
* Georgi Plechanow: My i Oni (1907)
* Georgi Plechanow: Na dva fronta: Sbornik politicheskikh statei (1905)
* Friends of Soviet Russia: Soviet Russia Vol 6 and 7 (1922)
* John Keracher: Lenin (1924)


* Noel Ignatiev: The Backward Workers (1981)

League for the Revolutionary Party -Communist Organization for the Fourth International (LRP-COFI):

* Walter Daum: The Life and Death of Stalinism. A Resurrection of Marxist Theory. Chapter 4 – The Stalinist Counterrevolution (1990, pdf-Datei)
* Walter Daum: The Life and Death of Stalinism. A Resurrection of Marxist Theory. Chapter 5 – Stalinist Capitalism P (1990, pdf-Datei)
* Walter Daum: The Life and Death of Stalinism. A Resurrection of Marxist Theory. Chapter 6 – Stalinism and the Postwar World (1990, pdf-Datei)
* Walter Daum: The Life and Death of Stalinism. A Resurrection of Marxist Theory. Chapter 7 – The Degeneration of Trotskyism (1990, pdf-Datei)
* Walter Daum: The Life and Death of Stalinism. A Resurrection of Marxist Theory. Chapter 8 – The Breakdown of Stalinism (1990, pdf-Datei)

International Bolshevik Tendency (IBT):

* 1917: L’islam, la laïcité et la gauche (2005)
* Tendance bolchévique: La continuité révolutionnaire et la scission dans la Quatrième Internationale (1990)
* Spartacist: Genèse du pablisme (1972)

Radical Socialist:

* Ernest Mandel: In Defense of Permanent Revolution. A Reply to Doug Jenness (1982)
* Tom Kerry: Maoism and the Neo-Stalin Cult (1964)
* Leo Sedov: The Red Book On the Moscow Trials – I (1936)
* Leo Sedov: The Red Book On the Moscow Trials – II (1936)

Labournet Austria:

* Abgewürgter Streik 1950 (Film)

Revolution in South Asia:

* History of Naxalism (2001)

Viento Sur:

* Daniel Bensaïd: “El último combate de Lenin”, de Moshé Lewin (1978)

Red Mole Rising:

* International Marxist Group (IMG): Red Mole, 1. September 1971
* International Marxist Group (IMG): Red Mole, 15. September 1971

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