
… alle Verhältnisse umzuwerfen, in denen der Mensch ein erniedrigtes, ein geknechtetes, ein verlassenes, ein verächtliches Wesen ist … (Marx)

Posts Tagged ‘friseurhandwerk’

Vidal Sassoon, Friseur und militanter Antifaschist (1928-2012)

Posted by entdinglichung - 10. Mai 2012

Gestern starb im alter von 84 Jahren der weltbekannte Friseur Vidal Sassoon, der nicht nur wusste, dass mensch im Friseurhandwerk lediglich Kamm und Schere braucht, um eine ansehnliche Frisur zu produzieren sondern dass ein Paar Fäuste eine adäquate Reaktion auf faschistische und antisemitische Umtriebe sind: 1947 schloss sich Sassoon der antifaschistischen, von jüdischen ArmeeveteranInnen begründeten 43 Group an, welche effektiv die sich wieder aus ihren Löchern wagenden britischen Faschos zurückschlug, zu Morris Beckmans 1992 (in deutscher Übersetzung 1995 beim Harald Kater Verlag) publiziertem Buch The 43 Group: Antifaschistischer Kampf in Grossbritannien 1946-1950 verfasste Sassoon ein kurzes Vorwort, aus einem Interview mit Sassoon:

„It was a rather strange situation because the war was over. Before the war there was quite a strong fascist party led by Oswald Mosley and he and his cohorts were put in detention (jail) during the war by Churchill. After the war they came out and immediately started up again with their anti-Semitism and running through the streets and having meetings, it was quite ridiculous. Many truly brave Jewish ex-servicemen started the “43 Group” because there were 43 people at the first meeting they had. These were tough men who had been through the war. Of course volunteers were needed, I was 16 or 17 at the time, most of my friends joined the 43 Group and there were quite a few hundred of us. Truly the fascists were smashed in the streets and yes if you were scared at times because it was scary. But after we saw the pictures that came out and the whole story of the Holocaust, there was actually no way we could allow fascists to run through the streets. I was arrested one night and put in jail, the following day the judge told me ‘to be a good boy’ and let me go. That was our life in those days, we decided that we were absolutely not going to allow what happened pre-war when Jews were just beat up indiscriminately in the streets. It worked beautifully because of mainly the tough Jewish characters that were in the British armed forces during the war, they were the people that did it. But also there were quite a few gentiles who had seen the camps, the horror of Europe and fought with us.“

Posted in Antifa, Antisemitismus, Britannien, Linke Geschichte, Nachrufe, Rassismus | Verschlagwortet mit: , , | Leave a Comment »