
… alle Verhältnisse umzuwerfen, in denen der Mensch ein erniedrigtes, ein geknechtetes, ein verlassenes, ein verächtliches Wesen ist … (Marx)

Archive for the ‘Nigeria’ Category

Chinua Achebe (1930-2013)

Posted by entdinglichung - 23. März 2013

„Der Distriktverwalter entfernte sich mit drei oder vier seiner Soldaten. In den vielen jahren, in denen er sich redlich bemüht hatte, in einigen Teilen Afrikas die Segnungen der Zivilisation zu verbreiten, hatte er eine Reihe von Dingen gelernt. Eines dieser Dinge war, dass ein Distriktverwalter niemals einer so entwürdigende Ttigkeit beiwohnen durfte wie das Abschneiden eines erhängten Mannes von einem Baum. Das würde bei den Eingeborenen einen schlechten Eindruck hinterlassen. In dem Buch, dass er schreiben wollte, würde er diesen Punkt ganz besonders betonen. Jeder Tag brachte ihm neues Material. Die Geschichte von diesem Mann, der einen Gerichtsdiener getötet und sich dann selbst erhängt hatte, war spannend und lehrreich zugleich. Man könnte fast ein ganzes Kapitel über ihn schreiben. Oder vielleicht doch nicht ein ganzes, aber zumindest einen recht langen Abschnitt. Es gab noch so viel mehr zu berichten, und man konnte sich nicht in Einzelheiten verlieren. Er hatte, nach längerem Nachdenken, bereits den Titel seines Buches gewählt: Beiträge zur Befriedung der Eingeborenenstämme im Gebiet des Unteren Niger.“

Okonkowo oder Das Alte stürzt (Things Fall Apart), 1960

Posted in Kolonialismus, Literatur, Nachrufe, Nigeria | Leave a Comment »


Posted by entdinglichung - 26. Oktober 2012


* Wole Soyinka: ‚If religion was taken away I’d be happy‘ (Pambazuka)

* Land Grab for Agribusiness in Mozambique: UNAC statement on the ProSavana Programme (ESSF)

* ‘Sovereign’ President: ‘I Am in Jail Because I Stood for Righteousness’ (SPLC/Hatewatch)

* Christine Vanden Daelen: Women are the real creditors of the public debt (International Viewpoint)

* Heftige Proteste in Panama halten an (Amerika 21)

* Für die Freilassung des Koordinators des CMSM (Rat der subsaharischen MigrantInnen in Marokko) und das Ende der Repression gegen Mitglieder der MigrantInnenorganisationen in Marokko (LabourNet)

* Rebolusyonaryong Partido ng Manggagawa – Mindanao (RPM-M): Struggle for Self-Determination of the Bangsamoro Revolutionary Fronts: A Historical Perspective and Current Realities (International Viewpoint)

* Rebolusyonaryong Partido ng Manggagawa – Mindanao (RPM-M): On the Peace Framework Signing between the GPH and the MILF (RPM-M)

* Nahwestexperte Peter Scholl-Latour (Sauvra)


Posted in BäuerInnenbewegung, BRD, Feminismus & Frauenbewegung, Fundstücke, Internationales, Kapitalismus, Klassenkampf, Kommunismus, Literatur, Marokko, Menschenrechte - Freiheitsrechte, Mosambik, Nahost, Nationalismus, Nigeria, Panama, Patriarchat, Philippinen, Religion, Repression, Sozialismus, Spanischer Staat, Trotzkismus, USA | Verschlagwortet mit: , , | Leave a Comment »

The Weekly Archive Worker – Quickborn: Maulkorb für die demokratische Jugend?

Posted by entdinglichung - 14. Juni 2012

weitere Hinweise bei Poumista … der Wiesbadener Kurier widmet sich Rudolf Rocker, im Guardian ein biographisches Interview mit Selma James, auf irishanarchisthistory der Artikel Belfast Anarchist Group and the long march to Derry (1969), die Fundación Andreu Nin erinnert an die stalinistische Ermordung von Andreu Nin und Camillo Berneri vor 75 Jahren in Barcelona und auf Syndikalismus.tk eine weitere Seidman-Kritik … eine wahre Fundgrube ist die Seite Les Classiques des sciences sociales, hat tip to Espace contre Ciment:

auf ESSF:

* Paul M. Sweezy: Capitalism and the Environment (1989)
* Harry Magdoff/Fred Magdoff: Approaching Socialism (2005)

auf archive.org:

* August Bebel: Unsere Ziele. Eine Streitschrift gegen die „Demokratische Korrespondenz“ (1872)

auf irishanarchisthistory:

* Dublin Anarchist Group: Resistance!, no.1, Mai 1980
* Dublin Anarchist Group: Resistance!, no.2, 1980

auf Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition:

* Quickborn (1971-1977, Beitrag ergänzt)
* Ellerau (1973-1976)
* Hamburg: Druckerei Gebrüder Sülter (1973-1976)
* Rote Hilfe Stuttgart: Ist die RAF kriminell? (1973)
* Rote Hilfe Stuttgart: Die Bombe vom 2. Juni 1972 – Dokumentation (1973)
* Rote Hilfe Stuttgart (1972-1974)
* Böblingen: Albert Einstein Gymnasium (1970-1975)
* Landkreis Böblingen: Schülerbewegung (1970-1977)
* Herrenberg: Die Erschießung von Richard Epple am 1.3.1972 (1972-1974, Beitrag ergänzt)
* Stuttgart: Die Erschießung von Ian McLeod am 25. Juni 1972 (1972-1977, Beitrag ergänzt)

im Marxists Internet Archive:

* Avetis Sultanzade: Chronique internationale – Perse (1921)
* Umberto Terracini: Le prolétariat italien et le mouvement fasciste (1921)
* Sen Katayama: Tendances révolutionnaires au Japon (1921)
* Amédée Dunois: A propos de Vera Zassoulitch (1921)
* Amédée Dunois: Jaurès et le jauressisme (1921)
* Anatoli Lunatscharski: La 3e Internationale et les intellectuels (1921)
* Karl Radek: Clara Zetkin (1921)
* Jules Destrée: De achturendag (1907)
* Séance d’ouverture du 3e Congrès, Internationale Communiste, 22 juin 1921
* Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels: Les prétendues scissions dans l’Internationale
* James P. Cannon: Perspectivas de la lucha (1953)
* James P. Cannon: Trabajo de masas y lucha fraccional: Algunos ejemplos históricos (1953)
* James P. Cannon: Sindicalistas y revolucionarios (1953)
* James P. Cannon: Carta abierta a los trotskistas de todo el mundo (1953)
* James P. Cannon: La Revolución Rusa y el movimiento negro estadounidense (1959)
* Communist Party of the USA: The Southern Worker, 1930-1937
* The Workers Monthly, 1926-1927
* Communist Workers’ Movement: Why Paul Foot Should Be A Socialist. The case against the Socialist Workers’ Party (1978)
* The Militant, 1951
* The Militant, 1952

auf LibCom:

* The Finnish Class War 1918 (1993)
* Carolyn A. Brown: The dialectics of colonial labour control: class struggle in the Nigerian coal industry, 1914-1949 (1988)
* The Young Lords Party: examining its deficit of democracy and decline
* The 1946 General Strike of Rochester, New York (2007)
* The occupation of the factories: Paris 1936, Flint 1937 (1999)
* Emma Goldman: The Social Importance of the Modern School (19??)
* Emma Goldman: The Philosophy of Atheism (1916)

auf La Bataille Socialiste:

* Marthe Bigot: Rosa Luxembourg et le militarisme (1921)

auf Association R.a.D.A.R.:

* Masses, Februar 1939
* Clarté, 1. Dezember 1922
* Secours ouvrier international (SOI): La reconstruction économique de la Russie et le secours ouvrier international (1924)
* Ligue communiste révolutionnaire (LCR): La révolution arabe : problèmes, état-présent, perspectives (1974)


* Fernando Reinares Nestares: Orígenes y efectos de la violencia independentista en el proceso político puertorriqueño (1995)
* Movimiento Revolucionario Oriental-Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias Orientales (MRO-FARO): Comunicado Interno Nº 24 (1970)
* Juventudes Argentinas para la Emancipación Nacional (JAEN): Mártires y verdugos (1969)

auf Irish Election Literature:

* The Workers Party: Leaflet from Martin O’Regan – 1994 European Elections Munster (1994)
* Sinn Fein The Workers Party: Leaflet from Paddy Gallagher – 1981 General Election -Waterford (1981)

auf Cedar Lounge Revolution:

* Tomás MacGiolla: Óráid an Uachtaráin, Sinn Féin 1969 Ard Fheis (Held January 1970)

im Anti-Fascist Archive:

* K. Bullstreet: Bash the Fash: Anti-Fascist Recollections, 1984-1993 (199?)
* London Anti-Fascist Action: Filling the Vacuum (1995)
* Newspaper Articles on Red Action and Anti-Fascist Action from The Guardian (1983-1996)

Posted in Antifa, Antimilitarismus, Argentinien, Atheismus, Belgien, Bildung, BRD, Britannien, Feminismus & Frauenbewegung, Finnland, Frankreich, Gewerkschaft, Hamburg, Internationales, Iran, Irland, Italien, Japan, Kapitalismus, Katalonien, Kirche, Klassenkampf, Kolonialismus, Kommunismus, Linke Geschichte, Marxismus, Menschenrechte - Freiheitsrechte, Nahost, Nationalismus, Nigeria, Nordirland, Patriarchat, Puerto Rico, RAF, Rassismus, Religion, Repression, Revolution, Russland, Schleswig-Holstein, Sowjetunion, Sozialismus, Sozialistika - Linke Archivalien, Spanischer Staat, Streik, StudentInnenbewegung, Umwelt, Uruguay, USA, Wahlen, Wissenschaft | Verschlagwortet mit: , , , | 1 Comment »

Radical Women (RW) und Freedom Socialist Party (FSP) zur Ölkatastrophe im Golf von Mexiko

Posted by entdinglichung - 24. Juni 2010

Quelle: Webseite der FSP, als zum Ausdrucken und Verteilen als Flugblatt hier (pdf) … ansonsten noch der Hinweis auf einen Artikel von Simon Butler auf ESSF Nigeria: A gulf spill every year

The only solution is revolution

The Gulf crisis: beautiful planet versus deadly profit system

“It’s like a nightmare you can’t wake up from.” This is how Danielle Brutsche described the plight of Gulf of Mexico residents at a May 30 rally in New Orleans demanding that the government take control of managing BP’s disaster.

The horror grows day by day as the cover-up by BP and its government co-conspirators is peeled away. It started with the deaths of the 11 workers who were victims of the April 20 explosion and now threatens whole cultures, both ecological and human – the unique ways of life of fishers, shrimpers, and the Gulf’s other inhabitants.

There are actions that can and must be taken to help those cultures survive. But can the area and its people truly be “made whole”? And when and where will the next profit-driven catastrophe strike? And how could anyone reasonably expect that the government, whether run by Democrats or Republicans, will someday stop being at the beck and call of the corporations?

The crisis in the Gulf is an argument with terrible force for a fundamental change in how people produce and distribute what we need and how we interact with nature in the process. It is an urgent argument for socialist feminist revolution.

A corporate atmosphere of heedlessness and death

The march of oil and chemical companies into the Gulf has been wreaking havoc for decades.

In the infamous “cancer alley” near the mouth of the Mississippi, at least five towns founded by African Americans before or after the Civil War have been turned into ghost towns. Chemical facilities overran the areas, poisoned them, and then paid the suffering residents to relocate.

Meanwhile, oil companies were destroying the wetlands, creating about 10,000 miles of navigation canals that eradicated forests, marshes, and neighborhoods. Invading saltwater kills vegetation, displaces wildlife, and increases erosion. It is contributing heavily to the loss of one football field’s worth of land in Louisiana every 45 minutes.

Today, the angry spotlight is on BP. But BP’s abhorrent practices are just business as usual for the corporations that carelessly control the fate of everyone from Honda workers in China and miners in Virginia and Colombia to Vietnamese American fishers and French-speaking Native Americans on the Gulf Coast.

The cost to women and children is especially harsh. Around the world, women are extra-exploited as workers while also bearing the burdens of finding clean water for their families, caring for the injured and disabled, and holding things together in conditions of poverty and crisis. In the Gulf, the health risks of the oil and the chemicals BP is using to fight its spread are magnified for pregnant women and their fetuses and for babies and young children.

Commentators on the Gulf crisis have pointed out that male-dominated corporations today have reached a point of extreme aggression and risk-taking. At BP, after current CEO Tony Hayward took over, many of the company’s female executives took off, apparently repelled by a heightened emphasis on profit-making at any cost.

Especially in a time when the whole capitalist system is under extreme stress, like today, it breeds a corporate culture of smash, grab, take the money and run. The answer does not lie in shifting the gender and colors of the obscenely paid people in charge or letting huge corporations persuade us they are serious about “going green.” The answer is for working people to take charge, restore a balance with nature, and make sure that every last person is safe, secure, and happily productive.

Let’s start now to make the change the planet needs

To move toward this goal will take the building of a mass movement for socialism. In the meanwhile, the residents of the Gulf and the ecosystem there cannot be abandoned. Below are ideas of what we should be fighting for (find more at http://www.murderedgulf.wordpress.com):

  • Seize BP and its assets immediately! Nationalize the entire energy industry under the control of its workers.
  • Halt the use of dangerous chemical dispersants to fight the spread of oil. Use the highest safety standards and maximum protection for workers involved in the cleanup. Seek community input and call on scientists with no ties to the energy industry to advise on methods of cleanup and restoration. Ensure healthcare for all of the affected Gulf residents.
  • Hold the heads of BP criminally responsible for the deaths in the explosion and the damage to the Gulf and its people.
  • Stop all offshore drilling immediately, including current projects, and ban deepwater drilling permanently.
  • Take urgent measures to move to energy sources other than oil. Create jobs through ample funding for expanding and running mass transit systems nationwide.
  • Establish an agency in the Gulf that can launch a massive program of public jobs at union-scale wages, oversee the cleanup, rebuild the area’s ecology, and distribute financial relief to fishers and other workers and small businesses. Give authority over this agency to assemblies of affected workers and communities, including local tribes, that are independent of government and big business.
  • End war and its terrible consumption of oil in pursuit of oil. Redirect Pentagon funds to jobs and the environment.

Issued by:

Radical Women
New Valencia Hall,
625 Larkin St., Suite 202,
San Francisco, CA 94109

Freedom Socialist Party
4710 University Way NE #100,
Seattle, WA 98105

Posted in Feminismus & Frauenbewegung, Indigena-Bewegung, Kapitalismus, Karibik, Kommunismus, Nigeria, Patriarchat, Rassismus, Sozialismus, Trotzkismus, Umwelt, USA | Leave a Comment »

Jährliche Übersicht des IGB über die Verletzungen von Gewerkschaftsrechten 2010

Posted by entdinglichung - 9. Juni 2010

Die aktuelle, vom (sozialpartnerschaftlich dominierten) IGB produzierte Übersicht kann hier eingesehen werden. Laut IGB wurden 2009 mindestens 101 GewerkschafterInnen ermordet (im Vorjahr mindestens 76), davon 48 in Kolumbien, 16 in Guatemala, 12 in Honduras, 6 in Mexiko, 6 in Bangladesch, 4 in Brasilien, 3 in der Dominikanischen Republik, 3 in den Philippinen, 1 in Indien, 1 im Irak und 1 in Nigeria, von Inhaftierungen von GewerkschafterInnen wird u.a. aus Iran, in Honduras, Pakistan, Südkorea, der Türkei und Simbabwe berichtet. Zur Lage in der BRD wird folgendes angemerkt:

„Trotz solider Arbeitsbeziehungen sind einige Arbeitgeber nach wie vor gewerkschaftsfeindlich eingestellt. Es kommt zur Diskriminierung von Gewerkschaftsmitgliedern, und zum Teil wird mit gelben, mitgliederschwachen und wenig repräsentativen Gewerkschaften verhandelt. Hauptgrund zur Besorgnis ist allerdings weiterhin die Tatsache, dass Beamte generell kein Streikrecht haben.“

Posted in Bangladesh, Brasilien, BRD, Dominikanische Republik, Gewerkschaft, Guatemala, Honduras, Indien, Internationales, Irak, Iran, Klassenkampf, Kolumbien, Menschenrechte - Freiheitsrechte, Mexiko - Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippinen, Repression, Südkorea, Streik, Türkei, Zimbabwe | Leave a Comment »

Zwei Texte zu den Massakern in Jos/Nigeria am 6./7. März 2010

Posted by entdinglichung - 7. April 2010

* Ola Kazeem: Nigeria: Jos Killings – A temporary episode or a symptom of a “failing state”? (In Defence of Marxism), hieraus nachfolgend ein Auszug:

* Segun Sango: JOS CARNAGE: Frequent Ethno-religious Killings Will Only End When a Truly Working Peoples‘
Government Comes To Power o Reconstruct Nigeria’s Warped Polity and Unjust Economy
(Democratic Socialist Movement)

„Jos grew rapidly after the British discovered vast tin deposits in the vicinity. Both tin and columbite were extensively mined in the area up until the 1960s. By 1943, tin mining on the Jos Plateau was at its peak. There were 80,000 African, mainly immigrants, working in the mines. Up to 1960, Jos was the sixth largest producer of tin in the world. This was transported by railway to both Port Harcourt and Lagos on the coast, then exported from those ports. Jos is in fact still often referred to as „Tin City“. Tin mining has led to the influx of migrants, mostly Hausas, Igbos, Yorubas, and also some Europeans, who constitute more than half of the population of Jos. This „melting pot“ of race, ethnicity and religion makes Jos one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Nigeria. That is why Plateau State is became known in Nigeria as the „home of peace and tourism“.

The wealth made from tin extraction was never re-invested locally. A few Nigerians became rich as a result of this business; the biggest share of this easy money went to the Royal Niger Company which monopolized this industry. [The Royal Niger Company was a mercantile company chartered by the British government in the nineteenth century, which was used as the basis for colonising Nigeria in a similar manner to how the British East India Company was used in India]. The income was siphoned off to western nations, mainly Britain. The local bourgeois were also lavishly spending the proceeds without any concern for future community development.

By the 1970s, the industry was already slowing down. The Nigerian economy was starting to be dominated by oil towards the mid-1970s and other export goods like coal, tin, palm oil, etc., were almost completely neglected. This decline continued until what used to be a prosperous Jos became just an administrative centre of Plateau State. Many jobs were destroyed and civil service jobs became the most secured and most sought-after jobs in Jos. Many who could not get government jobs in the ministries went to remote villages to start farming.

Thus, enlightened Jos indigenes became rural dwellers. Consequently, tension started mounting among the various ethnic groups who previously had peacefully lived side by side. The different ethnic groups started competing for the limited available vacancies in the ministries. As could be expected, the indigenes went down memory lane only to discover that the Yorubas came from Ogbomosho and that Igbos are Easterners. As tension ceaselessly mounted in the towns, a lot more tension was brewing in the villages over the question of land. This impending catastrophe was immediately channelled to the political advantage of the ruling elites of Jos. They played one tribe off against the other to maintain their political influence. Religious leaders equally exploit the situation to their own advantages.

This mounting tension reached its peak in September 2001 when over 1000 people were killed, this was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. Just like magic, effect became cause and cause became effect. What was primary transformed into the secondary and secondary became primary. Instead of arresting the religious leaders who had fomented the conflict, they were appeased to help “solve” the problem; and the ruling local elites were approached to help manage their thugs and this further strengthened their political hold.“

Posted in Kapitalismus, Kolonialismus, Nationalismus, Nigeria, Rassismus, Religion | Leave a Comment »

Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen (und nicht so radikalen) Linken

Posted by entdinglichung - 22. Februar 2010

ältere Archiv-Updates und Hinweise zu weiteren linken Archivalien unter „Sozialistika“ und im Download-Archiv, auf Poumista Hinweise zu Colin Ward, der vor einigen Tagen verstarb und zu Stalinismus und Anti-Stalinismus:

Anarchist Federation:

* Organise! magazine anti-Poll Tax articles (1988-1981)


* The Spark: theoretical organ of Marxist Workers League. Vol. I, 3 (1938)
* Hal Draper: The truth about Gerald Smith : America’s no. 1 fascist (1945)
* Alexander Kahn: Report of the Jewish Alliance: Delivered to the National Convention of the Socialist Party, New York — May 19-22, 1923 (1923)
* Socialist Party of America (SPA): Socialist Party on Poland (192?)
* Socialist Party of America (SPA): Socialist World, Juni 1923
* Shirley Waller: History of the international marxist youth movement pt. 1. From its origin to 1919 (~ 1959)
* Irwing Howe: Smash the profiteers (1946)
* Emile Vandervelde: La Belgique et le Congo, le passé, le présent, l’avenir (1911)
* John Humphrey Noyes: History of American socialisms (1870)
* The Dawn, Mai 1890 – November 1890
* The Dawn, Dezember 1890 – Juni 1891
* The Dawn, Januar 1894 – Dezember 1894
* The Dawn, Januar 1895 – Dezember 1895
* The Social Forum, Jg. 1901

Rassembler, diffuser les archives des révolutionnaires (RaDAR, ehemals ASMSFQI):

* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): La Vérité des travailleurs, Juli 1955
* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): La Vérité des travailleurs, September 1955
* Comité français pour la IVe internationale: La Vérité, September 1941 (Untergrundzeitung)
* Comité français pour la IVe internationale: La Vérité, 1. August 1941 (Untergrundzeitung)
* Ligue des communistes: Service de presse, 5. Januar 1936
* Ligue des communistes: Bulletin intérieur, August 1934

La Bataille Socialiste:

* Aimé Patri: Humanisme et inhumanisme chez Marx (1939)
* Paul Mattick: Marx et Keynes (1955)
* Amadeo Bordiga: Le marxisme face à l’Église et à l’État (1949)
* Rosa Luxemburg: Lettre à Henriette Roland-Holst (1905)
* Rosa Luxemburg: Que Guesde nous aide donc ! (1901)
* Rosa Luxemburg: Lettre à la rédaction du Social-démocrate de Copenhague (1913)
* Rosa Luxemburg: Discours au Congrès du Stuttgart (1898)
* Friedrich Engels: Le malthusianisme : une déclaration de guerre ouverte au prolétariat (1845, Auszug aus La situation de la classe laborieuse en Angleterre)
* Jules Guesde: Questions d’hier et d’aujourd’hui (1911)
* Socialist Party of Great Britain: Russia since 1917 (1948)
* Amigos de Durruti: Una teoría revolucionaria (1937, pdf-Datei)
* Joan Peiró Belis: El misterioso proceso del POUM (1938, pdf-Datei)
* Chazé: Deux brochures de Pouvoir ouvrier (1967, pdf-Datei)
* Chazé: La bureaucratie céleste de Balazs (1971, pdf-Datei)
* Nbang-Ba Suhuyini: Sharia in Nigeria: a class analysis (2002, pdf-Datei)
* Nbang-Ba Suhuyini: Globalization & Debt in Ghana (2003, pdf-Datei)

Marxists Internet Archive (MIA):

* Ernest Mandel: The Luck of a Crazy Youth (1966)
* Ernest Mandel: Economics of the Transition Period (1968)
* Anton Pannekoek: The Social Democratic Party School in Berlin (1907)
* Anton Pannekoek: Liberal and Imperialist Marxism (1915)
* Raya Dunayevskaya: German workers change face of Europe (1953)
* Jean Jaures: Preface to “Aguinaldo and the Philippines” (1900)
* Artikel aus International Socialism, 1958-1961:
** Raymond Challinor: Literature and Revolution (1958)
** Bob Pennington: Docks – Breakaway and Unofficial Movements (1960)
** Raymond Challinor: Economics (1960)
** Nigel Harris: Philosophical Dessication (1960)
** Nigel Harris: Nasty Men (1960)
** Raymond Challinor: Zigzag – The Communist Party and the Bomb (1960)
** Alasdair MacIntyre: Is A Neutralist Foreign Policy Possible? (1960)
** Bob Pennington/Martin Grainger: The Labour Party and the Bomb (1960)
** Peter Cadogan: Rebellion (1960)
** Bob Pennington: The Real Roots (1960)
** Alasdair MacIntyre: The Pen and the Sword (1960)
** Raymond Challinor: The Customer is Always Right (1960)
** Nigel Harris: The Psephological Eye (1960)
** Nigel Harris: Capitalist to Manager (1960)
** Introducing the Journal (1958)
** André Giacometti: The State of the French Left (1958)
** H.F.: British Economic Policy Since the War (1958)
** A Blow Against the Boss is a Blow Against the Bomb (1960)
** Power in the Labour Party (1960)
** From Cold War to Price War (1960)
** Congo (1960)
** Ilya Ilf/Eugeni Petrov: How the ‘Soviet’ Robinson Crusoe was Written (1933/1960)
** ABU: Polish Notebook (1960)
** Kan-ichi Kuroda: Japan (1960)
** Cressida Lindsay: A Touch of the Sun (1960)
** John Fairhead: Why Britain is Still Going (1960)
** Martin Grainger: The Murder Machine (1960)
** Len Bishop: Reformism Re-Affirmed (1960)
** Eric S. Heffer: Recommendation (1960)
** David Breen: Sinologist’s Vade-Mecum (1960)
** S.M. Neufeld: The Russian Film (1960)
** Letter to Readers (1960)
** Labour and the Bomb (1960)
** Russia and China (1960)
** Revolution in Cuba (1960)
** A Note of Protest, Michel Raptis & Sal Santen Case (1960)
** Jack London: Two Songs from Essex (1960)
** Jean-Jacques Marie: France – The March of Despotism (1960)
** Slawomir Mrozek: The Lion – A Moral Tale (1960)
** M. Grainger: Indictment by Inference (1960)
** Don Bass: Facts and Fancy (1960)
** Ioan Davies: Talking About Socialism (1960)
** Ioan Davies: A Way of Seeing (1960)
** Eric Morse: African Background (1960)
** Michael Segal: News Chronicle (1960)
** Michael Segal: Hot Air (1960)
** David Breen: Apologetics (1960)
** Ioan Davies: Riots and Romantics (1960)
** Michael Kidron: Two Left Feet (1960)
** Tony Cliff: Russian Organization Man (1960)
** Tony Cliff: Ephemeral flora (1960)
** Tony Cliff: On the Line (1960)
** Tony Cliff: Regrouping (1961)
** Tony Cliff: China (1960
** Ken Coates: Socialism and the Division of Labour, Some Notes on the Views of Paul Cardan (1961)
** Alasdair MacIntyre: Culture and Revolution (1961)
** Nigel Harris: An Economist’s World (1961)
** Ken Coates: In the Woodpile (1961)
** Ken Coates: O’Casey (1961)
** New Bombs for Labour (1961)
** Positive Neutralism (1961)
** Civil Disobedience (1961)
** Theory in the Movement (1961)
** Letter to Readers (1960)
** Adrian Mitchell: A Bomb Quartet (1961)
** Dick Logan & Henry Paley: ‘People’s Capitalism’? (1961)
** Henry Collins: Note on Stagnation (1961)
** M. Millett: Breakaways (1961)
** Munir: Nasser’s Egypt (1961)
** Peter Ibbotson: Africa and Russia (1961)
** John Fairhead: Leninism Falsified (1961)
** John F. Crutchley: China and the Right (1961)
** David Breen: Much Ado About India (1961)
** J.M. Wilson: All’s Well (1960)
** P. Mansell: The Web (1961)
** Peter Ibbotson: Admass Education (1961)
** Mary-K. Wilmers: No Silvikrin in the USSR (1961)
** Books Received (1961)
* Leo Trotzki: Misstagen som Kommunistiska förbundets högerfalang gör i fackföreningsfrågan (1931)
* Bertolt Brecht: Ontwerp en materiaal voor een proletarische pedagogie: het leerstuk (1930/1938)
* Antonio Gramsci: Problemen van de literaire kritiek (193?)
* Antonio Gramsci: De organisatie van de cultuur (193?)
* Louis Althusser: Het Piccolo Teatro – Bertolazzi en Brecht. Aantekeningen over een materialistisch theater (1962)
* L. A. Tckeskiss: O Materialismo Histórico em 14 Lições (1922)
* Marten Buschman: Tussen revolutie en modernisme (1993)
* Harm Kolthek Jr.: Het complot ontmaskerd: Of de tactiek van de sociaaldemocraten (1903)
* Jean-Patrick Manchette: The Roman Noir and Class Struggle (1994)
* Paul Verbraeken: Het ontstaan van de heersende ideologie in de Sovjet-Unie. Een inleiding (1981)
* Pierre Frank: Den proletära internationalismens nödvändighet och objektiva rötter (1968
* Daniel Guérin: Anarkism och marxism (1973)

La Presse Anarchiste:

* Solidarité Ouvrière n°3, Juni 1971
* Bulletin de la Fédération Jurassienne n°19, 15. Oktober 1872
* weitere Artikel aus Solidarité Ouvrière n°3, Juli/August 1971
* weitere Artikel aus Iztok n°15, März 1988

Collectif Smolny:

* BILAN: La suppression de la carte de pain en U.R.S.S. (1934)
* Louis Janover: Ombres marxistes – IV. Social-démocratie et tentation totalitaire (1976)


* Grandizo Munis: Unions against revolution (?)
* Artikel aus Subversion:
** Spain 1936, the end of anarchist syndicalism? (1996)
** IRA: anti-working class bastards! (1993)
** Book review: Hatta Shuzo and Pure Anarchism in Interwar Japan (1995)
* Processed World #13 (1985)
* Processed World #14 (1985)
* Processed World #15 (1985)

The Cedar Lounge Revolution:

* Dawn Group: Dawn Magazine, Mai 1984

Centro de Documentación de los Movimientos Armados (CeDeMA):

* María Candelaria Navas: De guerrilleras a feministas: Orígenes de las organizaciones de mujeres post-conflicto en El Salvador (1992-1995) (2007)
* Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru (MRTA): Entrevista de Vicky Peláez a Víctor Polay (1985)
* Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru (MRTA): Voz Rebelde Nº 9 (Edición Internacional) (1998)
* Frente de Liberación Nacional – Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (FALN): Acta constitutiva de las Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (1963)
* Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN): Cartilla Ideológica Comandante Manuel Pérez Martínez Nº 1 (2007)

Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières (ESSF):

* Jean-Claude Pomonti: Thaïlande : questions sur un carnage (2004)

Workers‘ Liberty:

* Sean Matgamna: The left and local government in the 1980’s (1980)

The Irish Election Literature Blog:

* ‘VOTE MING’ -Luke ‘Ming’ Flanaghan -Choice Party -late 90s
* Pat McHugh and John Coulthard posters- Northern Ireland Labour Party- 1970 Westminister

The Militant:

* Larry Seigle: Why gov’t framed up SWP, union fighters in 1941 (1987)
* 25, 50 and 75 years ago (1935/1960/1985)

Espace contre ciment:

* Erich Mühsam: Gustav Landauer (1920)

Luxemburger Anarchist:

* Paul Mattick: Mattick über die Logik des keynesianischen „Staatsinterventionismus“ (1971, Auszug aus Marx und Keynes. Die Grenzen des „gemischten Wirtschaftssystems“)

Révolution en Iran:

* Arbeiter-Kommunistische Partei Iran (API): Programme Communiste-Ouvrier et émancipation des femmes (1994)

Posted in Anarchismus, Antifa, Antimilitarismus, Ägypten, Belgien, Britannien, China, DDR, El Salvador, Feminismus & Frauenbewegung, Frankreich, Gewerkschaft, Ghana, Indien, Internationales, Iran, Irland, Italien, Japan, Kapitalismus, Kirche, Klassenkampf, Kolonialismus, Kolumbien, Kommunismus, Kongo/Zaire, Kuba, Kultur, Linke Geschichte, Literatur, Lyrik, Marxismus, Menschenrechte - Freiheitsrechte, Nationalismus, Niederlande, Nigeria, Nordirland, Patriarchat, Peru, Philippinen, Philosophie, Polen, Religion, Repression, Revolution, Russland, Schweiz, Sowjetunion, Sozialismus, Sozialistika - Linke Archivalien, Spanischer Staat, Stalinismus, Thailand, Trotzkismus, Umwelt, USA, Venezuela, Wahlen | Leave a Comment »

Studie zur Einflussnahme der US-amerikanischen religiösen Rechten in Afrika: „Globalizing the Culture Wars: U.S. Conservatives, African Churches, and Homophobia“

Posted by entdinglichung - 20. November 2009

Globalizing the Culture Wars: U.S. Conservatives, African Churches, and Homophobia (als pdf-Datei hier), eine neue lesenswerte Studie von Kapya Kaoma, herausgegeben vom Political Research Associates (PRA) zur homophoben Einflussnahme der Religious Right in Afrika, v.a. in Uganda, Nigeria und Kenia:

„As Kaoma argues, the U.S. Right – once isolated in Africa for supporting pro-apartheid, White supremacist regimes – has successfully reinvented itself as the mainstream of U.S. evangelicalism. Through their extensive communications networks in Africa, social welfare projects, Bible schools, and educational materials, U.S. religious conservatives warn of the dangers of homosexuals and present themselves as the true representatives of U.S. evangelicalism, so helping to marginalize Africans’ relationships with mainline Protestant churches.“

Posted in Afrika, Antifa, Kenia, Kirche, LBGT, Menschenrechte - Freiheitsrechte, Nigeria, Rechtspopulismus, Religion, Repression, Uganda, USA | Leave a Comment »

Hexenjagd 2009

Posted by entdinglichung - 10. August 2009

Angehörige der Liberty Foundation Gospel Ministries, einer fundamentalistischen Pfingstkirche, welche im Südwesten Nigerias derzeit blutige Hexenjagden veranstaltet, haben Ende Juli in Calabar eine Konferenz der Kinderhilfsorganisation Stepping Stones Nigeria und des Nigerian Humanist Movement, welche sich gegen die Machenschaften dieser und anderer fundamentalistischer Gruppen richtet, überfallen. Die in einigen Staaten Afrikas (so auch in Kenia) derzeit grassierenden Hexenjagden sind dabei kein genuin afrikanisches Phänomen sondern aus einer Verbindung von traditionellen Vorstellungen von Magie und Schadenszauber mit einer aus den USA und Europa durch evangelikale und pfingstlerische Missionare eingeführten Theologie, welche „Hexerei“ als Ausgeburt des Teufels und somit als Manifestation des absolut Bösen ansieht und bekämpft (so warnt die Partei Bibeltreuer Christen daher vor Harry Potter-Romanen, Sarah Palin liess sich in den vergangenen Wahlkampagnen vor Hexerei „beschützen“), hervorgegangenes Krisenphänomen. Nachfolgend dokumentiert ein Auszug aus einem Statement der British Humanist Association:

„Leo Igwe, a friend of the British Humanist Association and Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Humanist Movement, was attacked yesterday during a raid by 150 to 200 members of a Christian church at a conference he had organised on „Child Rights and Witchcraft“ in Calabar.

Helen Ukpabio and her church, the Liberty Foundation Gospel Ministries, have run a campaign of terror against children and those committed to fighting for their rights, of which yesterday’s raid was only the latest development. The conference had been organised by the Nigerian Humanist Movement and the UK charity Stepping Stones Nigeria in response to the widespread abandonment, torture and killing of children in Akwa Ibom and Cross River State due to the belief in child „witches“.

As the anti-witchcraft conference began at around 10.30am, the religious protesters dressed in orange raided the venue and began protesting loudly. The extremists were carrying a number of banners with slogans such as, „This protest is organised by The Akwa Ibom State Government“, „We give freedom to the witches“ and „Stepping Stone is not a registered organisation“.

Among the other delegates attacked, Leo Igwe had his glasses smashed and his bag, phone and camera stolen by the mob, who were alternately singing and aggressively disrupting the conference. After an hour and a half, the police turned up and dispersed the mob. One person was arrested.

Speaking after the event Leo said: „The conference was a peaceful meeting for people to openly debate what could be done to prevent the abuse of child rights linked to the belief in witchcraft. This attack by Helen Ukpabio’s supporters once again highlights the depravity of this so-called „woman of God“. Such false prophets should be immediately arrested and prosecuted under the child rights act“.

Despite the raid the conference, which was well attended by representatives of the Cross River State Government, UNICEF, NAPTIP and a wide range of traditional rulers, students and NGOs, still went ahead successfully.

The issue of child witchcraft has attracted a great deal of media attention since the broadcast of the documentary, Saving Africa’s Witch Children. The documentary, which won the prestigious BAFTA and Amnesty Film awards highlights the role that Helen Ukpabio has played in spreading the belief in child „witches“ in South-Eastern Nigeria. Teachings such as the one offered by Helen Ukpabio in her book, Unveiling the Mysteries of Witchcraft, which states that, „a child under two years of age that cries at night and deteriorates in health is an agent of Satan“, have caused wide spread international outrage and condemnation of her practices.“

Posted in Afrika, Kenia, Kirche, Menschenrechte - Freiheitsrechte, Nigeria, Patriarchat, Religion, Repression, USA | Leave a Comment »