
… alle Verhältnisse umzuwerfen, in denen der Mensch ein erniedrigtes, ein geknechtetes, ein verlassenes, ein verächtliches Wesen ist … (Marx)

Archive for the ‘UNITE’ Category

Streikrundschau Britannien

Posted by entdinglichung - 30. August 2010

gefunden auf LibCom:

UK workplace news roundup, August 2010

Recent industrial news from the UK, including transport strikes in Liverpool, walkouts at West Lothian Council and Southampton libraries, and strike ballots for London firefighters, ambulance drivers, and tube staff.

Bin workers strike at West Lothian council

Refuse workers at West Lothian Council have taken strike action over a pay cut being imposed as part of the downgrading of their jobs.

All refuse workers face a job downgrade which will amount to a cut of at least £2,800 a year. The first 24-hour strike took place on Friday the 27th of August, and was sanctioned by the GMB union.

The action, which involved 93 workers, follows the council implementing what it says are its legal obligations to equalise pay for similar skill levels in order to close the pay gap between men and women in the public sector – traditionally ‚female‘ jobs have historically been less well paid than ‚male‘ jobs of a similar skill level. Strikes have followed similar moves at other councils around the UK, as councils attempt to ’solve‘ the problem of low pay for female workers being cutting the pay for traditionally ‚male‘ jobs, rather than raising those of ‚female‘ jobs.

Bus strikes in Liverpool

Bus workers have begun a four-day strike in Liverpool over pay.

Workers at Stagecoach Liverpool have been offered a 2% pay offer by management, which represents a real-terms pay cut when inflation is running at 4.5%. The action, backed by the Unite union, involves hundreds of staff and stands to hit one in five buses in the Liverpool area. The strike began on Friday, and is running until Tuesday.

London Underground Strikes Announced

200 Alstom-Metro maintenance workers on the London underground have voted for strike action over a management pay offer.

According to the RMT union, which organised the strike ballot, the offer on the table is significantly lower than comparable pay offers for other parts of the London Underground workforce. The first strike will take place on the 5th of September, with further 24-hour strikes to follow in October and November.

The announcement follows an overwhelming strike vote from RMT and TSSA union members over plans to close ticket offices around the capital with the loss of around 800 jobs. 10,000 workers including drivers and station staff stand to take part in the strike action. The first of four one-day strikes is due to start on September the 6th. An indefinite overtime ban will also apply as part of the action.

Southampton Librarians Strike

Library workers in Southampton struck for two days on the 12th and 16th of August in protest against the council’s scrapping of two libraries and the replacement of staff with unpaid volunteers.

The strikes follow earlier action in June, after the council announced the closure of Millbrook and Thornhill libraries last year. Millbrook library remains one of the last remaining public services in that area of the city.

The attacks on public services and public sector workers under Southampton’s Tory council are a foretaste of what is looming on a national scale, with the “big society” of volunteers being the pretext for job cuts and rolling back vital services.

London hospital drivers and firefighters balloted

The Fire Brigades Union has launched a ballot of its members in London after management scuppered negotiations and moved to cancel existing contracts and impose new ones on staff, which would involve different shift times and working hours. Ballot papers are due to be issued at the end of the month, with action possible from September onwards.

Meanwhile, members of the GMB union employed by the London Ambulance Service are being balloted at the time of writing over the privatisation of key services. The staff are employed to transport patients across the capital to sites and take them to and from hospital. The South London Healthcare NHS Trust has put the service out to tender.

The contract covers London Ambulance employees in Greenwich, Barnhurst and Bromley, who transport patients to Kings College, Lewisham, Royal Marsden and Guys & St Thomas hospitals, and has been awarded to Savoy Ventures Ltd. At a meeting where Savoy representatives were invited to discuss the takeover with GMB members, they made clear their intention to ignore Transfer of undertakings (TUPE) legislation, flouting employment law, cutting the outer-london weighting allowance and threatening “downward harmonisation” from current pay levels to those of Savoy’s lowest-paid workers. Such flouting of the law would be in keeping with the transfer of the contract, as public procurement laws stating that contracts should not be awarded to companies whose directors preciously oversaw insolvent companies were ignored. Robert Lawrence Adams, who runs Savoy, was previously involved in companies still owing money to HM Revenue and Customs.

BAA: Strike threat forces management’s hand

Contrary to the claims of millionaire prime minister David Cameron, who attacked BAA workers resisting a real-terms pay cut by claiming strikes “never work”, the threat alone of a walkout at many of Britain’s airports has forced management to increase their offer by a third.

The strike by security staff, firefighters, and over vital airport workers would have led to the closure of some of Britain’s busiest airports.

The new offer, which the Unite union is recommending to its members, sees the 1.5% offer increased to 2% and the offer of a bonus of at least £500 should certain targets be met. However, whether workers will accept this is another issue – 2% is still a pay cut with inflation running at 4.5%, and it seems the union may be taking the criticism of right-wing papers to heart following its high-profile involvement in the BA cabin crew walkouts. That dispute remains ongoing, with no new strike dates announced despite cabin crew rejecting BA’s latest offer. It is a possibility that the union is worried about gaining a “militant” reputation, and has similarly been playing down the chances ofs trike action against the government’s austerity measures.

Posted in Britannien, Gewerkschaft, GMB, Klassenkampf, RMT, Streik, UNITE | Leave a Comment »

SWP instrumentalisiert Tarifverhandlungen für eigene organisationsbornierte Zwecke

Posted by entdinglichung - 24. Mai 2010

Sicherlich kann mensch von Tarifverhandlungen zwischen der (generell sozialpartnerschaftlichen) Gewerkschaft UNITE und dem Vorstand von British Airways (BA) nicht viel erwarten und es kommt bei derartigen Veranstaltungen in aller Regel kaum etwas herum, was die gesellschaftlichen Kräfteverhältnisse positiv im Sinne des Proletariats verändert. Die Aktion der DrückerInnenkolonne SWP („Socialist“ „Workers“ „Party“, britische Mamaorganisation von SAG/Linksruck/Marx21), welche die Verhandlungen in London durch eine Intervention von zweibeinigen Pappschild- und ZeitungsständerInnen am letzten Sonnabend unterband, hat aber ebenso keinen positiven Aspekt sondern diente der SWP lediglich dazu, in die Medien zu kommen sowie die Stimmung der eigenen, nach Spaltungen demoralisierten Basis aufzuhellen und nutzte die gegenwärtige Tarifauseinandersetzung als Bühne um ihren eigenen, im Niedergang befindlichen Laden zu promoten, Absprachen mit BA-KollegInnen oder klassenkämpferischen UNITE-Mitgliedern gab es offenbar keine. Auch zeigte sich wieder einmal, dass die SWP die Autonomie von Gewerkschaften, Initiativen und sozialen Bewegungen nicht respektiert. Ein Genosse auf LibCom fasste diesen Sachverhalt gut zusammen:

„(1) BA workers didn’t ask the SWP to do this, most likely they’ll feel their struggle has been used by opportunistically ; (2) having a disruptive protest outside ACAS doesn’t do anything to stop victimisation of militant BA workers; (3) The SWP stunt won’t stop Unite selling out BA cabin crew (if anything the disruption of negotiations might give Unite bosses an excuse), which really is something only Unite members can address.“

weitere sinnvolle Kommentare zu dieser Aktion bei Liam, David und Harpy

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Posted in Britannien, Gewerkschaft, Klassenkampf, Sekten, Streik, SWP, UNITE | Leave a Comment »

Wieder im Trend: Streiks in Britannien

Posted by entdinglichung - 10. Juli 2008

Streiks in Britannien: Leider noch nicht so häufig wie vor 30-40 Jahren aber im Aufschwung begriffen (so gerade in den letzten Tagen bei der Müllabfuhr in Peterborough, dem Reinigungspersonal bei der Londoner U-Bahn, den Postboten in York und den Mülldeponien in Cardiff), der folgende Artikel fand sich auf der Webseite von Workers‘ Liberty:

New strike figures show increase

Author: Martin Thomas

According to the latest official figures, just released, in the 12 months up to and including April 2008 there were 189 strikes, involving 959,000 workers, and totalling 1,121,000 striker-days.

The figures are still low compared to the late 1980s or 1996, let alone the 1970s, but better than those for the corresponding periods in recent years.

In the 12 months up to and including April 2007, there were 198 strikes, involving 253,000 workers, and a total of 324,000 striker-days. To April 2006: 184 strikes, 716,000 workers, 715,000 striker-days. To April 2005: 156 strikes, 217,000 strikers, 341,000 striker-days. To April 2004: 215 strikes, 354,000 strikers, 955,000 striker-days.

The new figure for the total number of workers involved in strikes is the highest for a comparable 12-month period since the stretch from May 2002 to April 2003, which included the firefighters‘ dispute.

Ansonsten werden am 16. und 17. Juli einige hunderttausend Beschäftigte im öffentlichen Dienst streiken.

Posted in Britannien, CWU, Gewerkschaft, GMB, Klassenkampf, PCS, RMT, Streik, UNISON, UNITE | Leave a Comment »

Eine Zusammenfassung zu den heutigen Streiks in Britannien

Posted by entdinglichung - 24. April 2008

Der nachfolgend dokumentierte Artikel mit vielen weiterführenden Links zu den heutigen Streiks in verschiedenen Bereichen des öffentlichen Dienstes in Britannien stammt von LibCom:

April 24 – hundreds of thousands to walk out

On Thursday April 24 thousands of civil servants, coastguards, council workers, FE lecturers and charity workers will join a national teachers strike of 100,000.

Employer attacks on workers‘ pay is the main issue at stake.

Teachers in the NUT are walking out over their pay deal which was supposed to be revised when inflation rose, but the government refused: effectively cutting their wages.

Over 100,000 civil servants in the PCS across ten government agencies are downing tools over sub-inflationary pay rises.

Nearly 30,000 further education lecturers in UCU are stopping work in support of a demand to win pay parity with school teachers, and against excessive hours.

20,000 Birmingham council workers in UNISON, Unite, GMB and UCATT are striking for two days over a „single status“ pay review which will cut some staff’s pay in half

Hundreds of staff at homelessness charity Shelter are walking out for two days against an unpaid increase in hours and further cuts in pay and conditions.

700 coastguards are walking out in their third 24-hour strike from 7pm 23 April – 7pm 24 April against low pay, and continuing a work-to-rule.

What you can do
We spoke to a local government worker and libcom member who told us „the best thing other workers can do to support these struggles is to organise to improve their own pay and conditions. Communicate your own struggles to other workers, using tools such as libcom.org.

„On April 24, people not officially striking can help by not crossing picket lines.

„Report on developments near you on this thread in our forums, with photographs if possible. If you can, visit picket lines and show your support. Talk to the strikers, ask about the dispute and report back so that other workers can learn from them.

„For parents with dependency leave, if schools are closed you can tell your employer that your childcare fell through at the last minute. This will save you money, give you the day off and help spread the effects of the teachers‘ strike through the economy.

„Help spread the ideas that we can only win these disputes by taking control of them ourselves. The unions have been helping impose pay cuts, we cannot entrust the fight to them.“

Tension is brewing across the whole public sector in response to a central government directive to cap annual cost of living pay rises to 2%. When RPI inflation – which includes housing costs – is running at over 4% this equates to annual real pay cuts of around 2%.

Local government workers are being consulted on a 2.475% offer. Last year the unions either recommended this pay cut (Unite and GMB), or called off strike action aimed at beating it (UNISON). This year many workers fear they will manage to repeat this sabotage.

These fears are not unfounded. As reported on libcom, UNISON is already due to recommend a 3-year package of pay cuts for NHS workers. UNISON is also disciplining several union activists who criticised the leadership over their complicity in last year’s pay cuts. UNISON Health last year banned branches from recommending members reject pay cuts.

John Stevens

Posted in Britannien, Gewerkschaft, GMB, Klassenkampf, NUT, PCS, Streik, UCATT, UCU, UNISON, UNITE | Leave a Comment »