
… alle Verhältnisse umzuwerfen, in denen der Mensch ein erniedrigtes, ein geknechtetes, ein verlassenes, ein verächtliches Wesen ist … (Marx)

Archive for 1. Oktober 2008

Umfallerpartei GAL

Posted by entdinglichung - 1. Oktober 2008

Nach den Studiengebühren nun das Kohlekraftwerk Moorburg … war ja eigentlich zu erwarten und sollte keine(n) mehr verwundern … hier ein Bild aus nicht so entfernten Zeiten (Wahlkampf) … die GAL sofort stillegen und endlagern!

AKW-Trittin dazu gegenüber dem Handelsblatt: „Die Alternative wäre ein rechtswidriges Verhalten gewesen. … Die grüne Umweltsenatorin in Hamburg, Anja Hajduk, habe ihren Spielraum voll genutzt. … Auch eine grüne Alleinregierung hätte das nicht anders entscheiden können“

Posted in BRD, Fundstücke, GAL, Grüne, Hamburg, Kapitalismus, Umwelt, Wahlen | 1 Comment »

Vermischtes zur Finanzkrise

Posted by entdinglichung - 1. Oktober 2008

* Während der Congress in Washington D.C. über ein 700 Milliarden US-$-Geschenk für notleidende BankerInnen verhandelt liess die Stadtverwaltung in Seattle am 26 September Nickelsville, eine provisorische Siedlung von über 100 Obdachlosen polizeilich räumen und dabei 23 Menschen in Gewahrsam nehmen, einen Bericht dazu mit Photos gibt es auf der Homepage der Freedom Socialist Party:

* subcomandante micah berichtet auf Solidarity Webzine von einer Gewerkschaftsdemo in der Wallstreet gegen das „Hilfspaket“ der US-Regierung:

„First, at noon, approximately 1500 union members and staffers rallied at the intersection of Broad Street and Exchange Place, literally a stones’ throw away from the most sacred temple of American capitalism. The demonstration was called for in a hurry just a day or two before by the NYC Central Labor Council. While they might have done more and sooner – I agree with Jonathan Tasini’s comment on the Working Life blog last Tuesday that the unions should work to “put 100,000 people in the streets in each of 25 major cities” – it was nevertheless good to see the labor bureaucrats finally make a move and stand up for their members. (Also keep in mind, however, that they had little choice – a wide range of social movement and civil society organizations had previously called for demonstrations later in the day and, presumably, the collective union leadership was both afraid of ceding ground to these more radical elements and also feeling a great deal of pressure to take action from the rank-and-file within their own organizations).“

* Ein Bericht auf Fire on the Mountain von einer Protestaktion der People’s Organization for Progress (POP) in Newark/New Jersey unter dem Motto „Bailout homeowners, not Wall Street„.

* Socialist Action schlägt ein Workers’ Action Program to Meet the Economic Crisis vor:

“ … Workers desperately searching for information on the fates of their mortgages, pension funds, 401ks, health benefits, life insurance policies, retirement annuities, education debt – indeed their very paychecks – will respond eagerly to an opportunity to meet collectively to share information and to demand the right to see the books of all companies holding direct stakes in the funds affecting the above, as well as the institutions holding the financial instruments based on them.

Parallel committees can be formed in neighborhoods facing high rates of foreclosure and eviction to demand access to the banks, real estate companies, and other institutions causing their misery. These committees could also organize physical resistance through mass mobilization against evictions.

We demand an immediate halt to all foreclosures, cancellation of all interest on mortgages to banks and mortgage lenders, and renegotiation of all mortgage terms, including the principal and debt built up due to usurious interest rates, such negotiations to be led by workers’ and homeowners’ neighborhood committees. We demand that what workers owe be recalculated downward in proportion to the decline in the value of their homes caused by the puncturing of the housing bubble built on financial speculation. …“

Währedessen besetzen einige SSP-Mitglieder irgendwo in Schottland eine Wall Street:

Posted in Britannien, Gewerkschaft, Immobilienmarkt, Kapitalismus, Klassenkampf, Kommunismus, Menschenrechte - Freiheitsrechte, Repression, Schottland, Sozialismus, Trotzkismus, USA | Leave a Comment »