
… alle Verhältnisse umzuwerfen, in denen der Mensch ein erniedrigtes, ein geknechtetes, ein verlassenes, ein verächtliches Wesen ist … (Marx)

Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen Linken – eine Auswahl

Posted by entdinglichung - 9. April 2009

Ältere Archiv-Updates und Hinweise zu weiteren linken Archivalien unter „Sozialistika„.

Austrian Newspapers Online (ANNO):

* Die Arbeiterin: Organ für die Interessen der werktätigen Frauen in Österreich (1928-1931)
* Arbeiterinnen-Zeitung – sozialdemokratisches Organ für Frauen u. Mädchen/Die Frau (1920-1934)

Collectif Smolny:

* Erich Mühsam: Revolutionäre, internationalistisch gesinnte kommunistische Arbeiter und Soldaten! Flugblatt der Vereinigung revolutionärer Internationalisten Bayerns (1918)
* BILAN: Les problèmes de la période de transition (partie 4) (1936)

Marxists Internet Archive (MIA):

* Ernst Bloch: Marx y la dialéctica idealista (1949)
* Paul Mattick: Jack London: Die Eiserne Ferse (1927)
* Franz Pfemfert: La Enfermedad Infantil de Lenin . . . y la Tercera Internacional (1920)
* Rosa Luxemburg: À Conferência de União das Organizações Socialistas em Manchester (1911)
* Rosa Luxemburg: L’année 1793 (1893)
* Ricardo Arturo Jarrín Jarrín: Entrevista desde el Penal García Moreno (1984)
* J.T. Murphy: The Single Front (1922)
* T.A. Jackson: A Mass Party (1925)
* Leo Trotzki: Préface à la brochure „L’Organe de masse“ de Nicolle Braun (1936)
* Leo Trotzki: Den enda vägen (1932)
* Leo Trotzki: Arbetarkontroll över produktionen (1931)
* Benjamin Tucker: Why should a nation be more altruistic than I? (1907)
* Artikel aus der Fourth International, 1955-1956
** M. Stein: The Political Situation in America Today (1955)
** Trent Hutter: The American Motion Picture Today (1955)
** Leon Trotsky: Two Conceptions of Socialism (1955)
** Joyce Cowley: Women Who Won the Right to Vote (1955)
** Harold Robins: Automation – Menace or Promise? (1955)
** Paul Abbott: A Case of Schizophrenia (1955)
** Manager’s Column (1955)
** George Lavan: The Gold Coast Revolution (1955)
** Trent Hutter: A Revolutionary Novel (book review) (1955)
** Richard L. Schanck: An Objection — (1955)
** Paul Abbott : — In Reply (1955)
** Manager’s Column (1955)
** Joyce Cowley: Youth in a Delinquent Society (1955)
** Foster in World War I (Stenographic Record) (1955)
** Trent Hutter: Best Seller in Germany (1955)
** Anne Chester: A Stirring First Novel (1955)
** John Thayer: The Origin of West Virginia (1955)
** Manager’s Column (1955)
** An Editorial: The New Precedents in the Kutcher Case (1956)
** Trent Hutter: The Workers’ Stake in Bourgeois Culture (1956)
** Paul Abbott: How Honest is Honest Weight? (1956)
** Robert Chester: Labor Leaders on Automation (1956)
** From Our Readers (1956)
** M. Stein: The End of the Stalin Cult (1956)
** Harry Ring: Which Way for Supporters of the Progressive Party? (1956)
** Theodore Edwards: Dollar Empire in Latin America (1956)
** Correction (1956)
** Jack Bustelo: The Last Hurrah (1956)
** From Our Readers (1956)
* Ted Grant: Letter to an Opposition Communist (1957)
* Ted Grant: The Robbers Quarrel over Tientsin (1939)
* Ted Grant: Down with the war! (1939)
* Ted Grant: Our War Is The Class War (1940)
* Ted Grant: Not for Imperialist slaughter (1940)
* Ted Grant: Preparing for Power (1942)
* Ted Grant: Lebanon clash bares De Gaulle-Churchill aims (1943)
* Ted Grant: I.L.P. Conference (1944)
* Ted Grant: Why Hitler Came to Power (1944)
* Ted Grant: How To Win The Class War (1940)
* Ted Grant: Daily Herald—A Public Statement, not a Private Admission (1941)
* Ted Grant: Stalin Threatens New Turn—Anglo-U.S.A. Imperialists Fear Soviet Victory (1942)
* Ted Grant: Constitution of Workers’ International League (W.I.L.) (1942)
* Ted Grant: Fascism collapsing—Europe’s revolution has begun (1943)
* Ted Grant: The Italian revolution and the tasks of British workers (1943)
* Ted Grant: Aid the Italian Revolution! (1943)
* Ted Grant: France In Crisis (1958)
* Ted Grant: Force a General Election Now (1958)
* Ted Grant: The Generals Capture France—Workers must resist (1958)
* Ted Grant: Against “National Defence” (1939)
* Ted Grant: Workers Must Be Armed Against Capitalism (1939)
* Ted Grant: An Analysis of the Social Basis of the Soviet Union (1941)
* Ted Grant: I.L.P. Conference and Tasks of the Left (1943)
* Ted Grant: The I.L.P. in Transition (1943)
* Ted Grant: Reply of W.I.L. to the R.S.L. criticism of „Preparing for Power“ (1943)
* Ted Grant: The Need for the International (1943)
* Ted Grant: The Coming German Revolution (1944)
* Ted Grant: Communist Party Conference Prepares Post-war Sell-out (1944)
* Ted Grant: Stalin Versus Marx (1946)
* Steve Zeluck: The Character of the State in China (1955)
* Steve Zeluck: Lippmann Displays His Statesmanship (1954)
* Roestam Effendi: Van Moskou naar Tiflis. Mijn reis door de nationale Sovjetrepublieken van de Kaukasus (1934)

La Bataille Socialiste:

* Dawid Rjasanow: The relations of Marx with Blanqui (1928)
* Paris photographié en 1936
* Agustín Guillamón: Mary Low, poeta, trotskista y revolucionaria


* Henri Simon: 1980: Poland mass strikes (1982)

Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition (MAO):

Auswertung von Materialien zu folgenden Orten/Betrieben/Gruppen/Personen/Themen:
* Black Panther Party (BPP) und Angela Davis (überarbeitet)
* K-Gruppen, DKP und der (Arbeiter-) Sport

Centro de Documentación de los Movimientos Armados (CeDeMA):

* Federación Anarquista Uruguaya (FAU): Acción sindical y lucha armada (1970)
* Ejército Guerrillero de los Pobres (EGP): Carta a la Dirección Nacional del combatiente Pablo (1982)
* Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR): A la Dirección Nacional y militancia del partido Acción Democrática (1960)
* Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN): Al pueblo de Costa Rica y la opinión internacional (1978)
* Movimiento Jaimen Bateman Cayón (JBC): Comunicado sobre la formación del Comité Permanente por la Paz (1995)
* Movimiento Revolucionario 26 de Julio (M-26-7): Llamamiento a la huelga general revolucionaria (1958)

Irish Left Archive auf The Cedar Lounge Revolution:

* Communist Party of Great Britain: Northern Ireland: Civil Rights and Political Wrongs (1969)


* Henryk Grossmann: Fünfzig Jahre Kampf um den Marxismus 1883-1932 (1932)

The Rustbelt Radical:

* Isaac Deutscher: Lenin’s Last Dilemma (1959)

Workers‘ Liberty:

* John Maclean – biography. Part 1 (1995)
* John Maclean – biography. Part 2 (1995)
* Walter Linder: How sit-in strikes built the unions in USA (1965, Auszug aus einem Text der maoistischen Progressive Labor Party (PLP))
* Sean Matgamna: The sad story of Connolly’s heirs (1967)
* Sean Matgamna: Sovereignty an old joke: the Connolly Association and Irish nationalism (1967)

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