
… alle Verhältnisse umzuwerfen, in denen der Mensch ein erniedrigtes, ein geknechtetes, ein verlassenes, ein verächtliches Wesen ist … (Marx)

Reiche gucken gehen: Upper-Class Safari in Stockholm

Posted by entdinglichung - 4. Februar 2012

Autonome Bustouren durch das Stockholmer Reichenviertel Solsidan, gefunden auf LibCom, mehr bei The Local und Förbundet Allt åt Alla … und die Zootiere finden das gar nicht gut und zeigen ihr wahres Gesicht:

„Some Solsidan residents have even shown their distaste by throwing eggs at the tour bus as it passes.

„It is sad that adults use their time and money to come out here and look,“ said one teenage resident to local paper Nacka Värmdö Posten (NVP).

„I don’t understand what those communists are doing here. It is hardly our fault that they are poor,“ another said, eggs at the ready.

One angry resident filed a complaint to the police, citing intrusion of privacy.

The group behind the venture calls on prospective sightseers to develop their „hate“ of the class system, which has in effect, led to Solsidan residents showing a hate of their own.

Though aware that the tour in itself is a provocation, and that their talk of „nurturing one’s class hatred“ also could induce bad feeling, Barot told DN she felt that the reaction was „unproportional“.

“We have unfortunately received racist, sexist and hateful comments from young people who live in the area. It is terrible to read what they write, but it also shows that it is important to raise this question, for their attitude comes from somewhere,” Barot said to the paper.“

Eine Antwort to “Reiche gucken gehen: Upper-Class Safari in Stockholm”

  1. […] Anlass der Diskussion um die Diskussion um die Överklassafari in Stockholmer Reichenviertel der Genossen von Förbundet Allt åt Alla hat der Syndikalistiska Ungdomsförbundet (SUF) auf […]

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