
… alle Verhältnisse umzuwerfen, in denen der Mensch ein erniedrigtes, ein geknechtetes, ein verlassenes, ein verächtliches Wesen ist … (Marx)

Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen Linken

Posted by entdinglichung - 15. Mai 2009

Hier nach einiger Zeit wieder einmal ein Update, ältere Archiv-Updates und Hinweise zu weiteren linken Archivalien unter „Sozialistika“ … in der Zwischenzeit hat Poumista ein wenig geholfen, einen herzlichen Dank dafür:

Class against Class:

* Franklin Rosemont: Karl Marx and the Iroquois (?)
* Karl Korsch: Economics and Politics in Revolutionary Spain (1938)
* Karl Korsch: The Spanish Revolution (1931)
* Karl Korsch: Theses toward a Critique of the Fascist Conception of the State (1932)
* Karl Korsch: State and Counter-revolution (1939)
* Karl Korsch: The Fascist Counter-revolution (1938)
* Karl Korsch: The Workers’ Fight against Fascism (1941)
* Sam Dolgoff: On The Miasnikov Memorandum (1977)
* Luisa Passerini: Work Ideology and Working Class Attitudes to Fascism (1979)
* Dan Georgakas: Young Detroit Radicals 1955-1965 (1981)
* James Goldwasser: Ret Marut: The Early B. Traven (1993)
* Claude Lefort: What Is Bureaucracy? (1960)
* Cornelius Castoriadis: The Fate of Marxism (1964-1965)
* Karl-Heinz Roth: Death Rules Over Germany (1990)
* Elisabeth Behrens: Workers’ Struggles And The Capitalist Counter-Offensive Under National Socialism (1974)

La Presse Anarchiste:

* Informations Correspondance Ouvrières (ICO): Information et Correspondance Ouvrières (1960-1961)
* Informations Correspondance Ouvrières (ICO): Information et Correspondance Ouvrières. Deuxième série (1961-1973)
* Informations Correspondance Ouvrières (ICO): Liaisons (1970-1972)
* Informations Correspondance Ouvrières (ICO): Documents ILO (1959-1960)
* Rupture n°1, Februar 1975
* La Revue Anarchiste n°1, Januar 1922
* L’Autonomie Individuelle n°5, September/Oktober 1887

La Bataille Socialiste:

* Benjamin Péret: Revolución o contrarrevolución en España (1937)
* Solidarity: Ce que nous sommes, ce que nous voulons (1967)
* Le Figaro: Conversation avec F. Engels (1893)
* Gaston Davoust (Henry Chazé): Le crime des bagnes nazis : le peuple allemand est-il coresponsable? (1945)
* Ein neues Update mit Links auf weitere Texte:
** Anton Pannekoek: 1912 Darwinisme et marxisme (1912)
** August Thalheimer: 1931-02 Antifaschistisches Kampfprogramm (1931)
** Andreu Nin: 1931-12 La situación política, el peligro fascista y la necesidad del Frente Único del Proletariado [Nin] (1931)
** Andreu Nin: 1932 Les soviets (extrait) (1932, pdf-Datei)
** Daniel Guérin: 1939-06 A propos de la “motion préalable” (1939)
** 1962-09 Alarma (pdf-Datei)
** Cornelius Castoriadis: 1965-05 La crise de la société moderne (1965, pdf-Datei)
** Solidarity: 1971-04 Third Worldism or Socialism []
** Henri Simon: 1998 Kommunism i Frankrike: Socialisme ou Barbarie, ICO &Echanges (1998, pdf-Datei)

Rassembler, diffuser les archives des révolutionnaires (RaDAR) ehemals Association pour la sauvegarde de la mémoire de la section française de la IVe internationale (ASMSFQI):

* Ligue communiste révolutionnaire (LCR): Les Cahiers de la taupe, Januar 1978
* Ligue communiste révolutionnaire (LCR): Luttes antinucléaires partout comme à Plogoff (1981)
* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): IVe internationale, Oktober/November 1946
* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): Bulletin intérieur, 1946
* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): Bulletin intérieur „La Vérité“, 15. Juni 1950
* Ligue communiste (LC): A l’appel des grévistes pour la victoire. Marche sur Besançon

Marxists Internet Archive (MIA):

* Paul Lafargue: Socialism in France 1874-1896 (1897)
* Paul Lafargue: La propriété – Origine et évolution (1890)
* Marc Bloch and Lucien Febvre: To Our Readers (Presentation of the Annales) (1929)
* How to Gather Ancient Prices (1931)
* Jay Lovestone: America Facing Europe (1927)
* Elmar Altvater: Notes on Some Problems of State Interventionism (1972)
* David Yaffe: Value and Price in Marx’s Capital (1974)
* Tom Mann: The Development of the Labour Movement (1890)
* Eleanor Marx: Nota a la carta de Karl Marx a su padre (1897)
* Jenny von Westphalen: Carta a Joseph Weydemeyer (1850)
* Ber Borochov: El nacionalismo del proletariado judío (1906)
* Rosa Luxemburg: A Jornada de Oito Horas no Congresso do Partido (1902)
* Rosa Luxemburg: Na Tempestade (1904)
* Rosa Luxemburg: Ao Conselho Nacional do Partido dos Trabalhadores Francês (1901)
* Rosa Luxemburg: Em Marcha com a Idéia do Dia dos Trabalhadores (1913)
* Rosa Luxemburg: Quais São as Origens do Dia dos Trabalhadores? (1894)
* Leo Trotzki: A Vodka, a Igreja e o Cinema (1923)
* Leo Trotzki: Para construir o modo de vida é preciso conhecê-lo (1923)
* Leo Trotzki: A atenção deve incidir sobre os detalhes (1923)
* Leo Trotzki: Strejkernas roll i en revolution (1931)
* Leo Trotzki: Mitt liv (1930)
* Leo Trotzki: Carta a James P. Cannon (1939)
* Leo Trotzki: Carta a Max Shachtman (1939)
* Leo Trotzki: Deras moral och vår (1938)
* Leo Trotzki: Moralister och inställsamma smickrare av marxismen (1939)
* Ernest Mandel: Oktober 1917: statskupp eller social revolution? Den ryska revolutionens legitimitet (1992)
* Ernest Mandel: Een nieuwe arbeidersklasse? (1964)
* Ernest Mandel: Twintig jaar na Hiroshima (1965)
* Ernest Mandel: Verdedig de Vietnamese revolutie (1966)
* Louis de Visser: Colijn Verdwijn! (1933)
* Louis de Visser: Rede uitgesproken in de Tweede Kamer (1933)
* Roestam Effendi: Waarom Indonesiërs in de Kamer? (1933)
* Roestam Effendi: Rede van Roestam Effendi, uitgesproken in de Tweede Kamer (1933)
* Roestam Effendi: Van Moskou naar Tiflis (1937)
* Kurt Aspelin: Oktobers förvandlingar (1967)
* Rudi Dutschke: Konsten att ärva (1977)
* Charles Darwin: El origen de las especies (1859)
* Max Beer: Algemene geschiedenis van het socialisme (1922)
* Alfred Defuisseaux: Volkscatechismus (1886)
* Edward Bellamy: Cent ans après (1886)
* Henry Hyndman: Cavour (1877)
* Henry Hyndman: Lights and Shades of American Politics (1881)
* Henry Hyndman: Wealth and Ability; Reply to Mr Mallock: rejoinder (1887)
* Henry Hyndman: Bankruptcy of India I (1878)
* Henry Hyndman: Bankruptcy of India II (1879)
* Henry Hyndman: Dawn of a Revolutionary Epoch (1881)
* Henry Hyndman: Something Better than Emigration – A Reply (1884)
* J. Winternitz: The Marxist Theory of Crisis (1949)
* Ted Grant: What Causes War! (1961)
* Ted Grant: Revolution Begins in South Korea (1960)
* Ted Grant: Lessons of the Belgian strike (1961)
* Ted Grant: Problems of Entrism (1959)
* Ted Grant: Will There be a Slump? (1960)
* Ted Grant: The Colonial Revolution and the Sino-Soviet Dispute (1964)
* Ted Grant: Programme of the International (1970)
* Ted Grant: Some fundamental questions on the policies of Lenin and Trotsky (1974)
* Ted Grant: The Iranian Revolution (1979)
* Ted Grant: Appeal against Expulsion, Labour Party Conference (1983)
* Artikel aus dem International Socialist Review, 1958
** The Balance Sheet (1958)
** Sign of the Times (1958)
** “Could Happen Anywhere” (1958)
** “Wouldn’t Take Much” (1958)
** Cold War At Bargain Rates (1958)
** As Advertised in Life (1958)
** Who’s Getting It? (1958)
** Like Trapped Animals (1958)
** New Conquest for American Science (1958)
** Ross Dowson: Canadian Stalinism in Shambles (1958)
** Trent Hutter: Trotsky’s Literature and Revolution (1958)
** Lois Saunders: “The Deep South Says Never” (1958)
** A Growing Trend (1958)
** For a United Socialist Ticket (1958)
** 50-50 Chance (1958)
** Psychiatric Report (1958)
** An Ancient Custom (1958)
** Watch that Language (1958)
** Stalinist “Vigilance” (1958)
** Memo to Dulles (1958)
** Bourbon Blood Bank (1958)
** Harry Ring: The Struggle in the Communist Party (1958)
** M. Bernz: The Politics of Soviet Music (1958)
** A Testimonial (1958)
** To Our Readers (1958)
** The Meaning of De Gaulle (1958)
** Opportunity Knocks for Borrowers (1958)
** BRAVO (1958)
** Monopolized Cushion (1958)
** Let’s Pray (1958)
** Road to Where? (1958)
** No Recession Yet (1958)
** Cruel Dilemma (1958)
** No Discrimination? (1958)
** Theodore Edwards: “Fuera Nixon!” (1958)
** Really Beat? by Evelyn Sell (1958)
** Albert Phillips: The Deep Roots of Inflation, by (1958)
** The Wall Bulletins Speak (1958)
** Hilde Macleod: The Challenge of Soviet Education (1958)
** F.J. Wells: Dubinsky as Hero (1958)
** Robert Chester: Has the Machine Outstripped Us? (book review) (1958)
** Lois Saunders: Rise of the Africans (1958)
** A Milestone (1958)
** Which Road to Peace? (1958)
** Deserved Praise (1958)
** Pep, Piffle and Fizzle (1958)
** Sign of the Times (1958)
** You Gotta Buy More (1958)
** You Can Say That Again (1958)
** Congressmen at Work (1958)
** Forgotten 5,000,000 (1958)
** Don’t Wantta Buy Now (1958)
** Common Sewer (1958)
** George Lavan: Daumier – Political Artist (1958)
** Soviet Music – Two Views (1958)
** Trent Hutter: Sometimes They Elude the Ukases (1958)
** M. Bernz: The Big Stick Is Decisive (1958)
** The Deep Roots of Inflation (1958)
** Robert Chester: Biography of a Young Soviet Official (1958)
** Milton Alvin: Early Soviet Labor Policy (1958)
** Theodore Edwards: Inside Report on Hungary (1958)
** Lois Saunders: One Path? (1958)
** Another Step Ahead (1958)

Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition (MAO):

Auswertung von Materialien zu folgenden Orten/Betrieben/Gruppen/Themen/Personen:

* Die Polemik zwischen dem „Initiativausschuss zur Gründung einer Sozialistischen Partei“ und der Gruppe „Roter Morgen“
* Landkreis Erding und Landkreis Freising
* 1. Mai in Duisburg
* 1. Mai in Hamburg
* Die Erschießung von Philipp Müller am 11. Mai 1952
* 8. Mai 1945 – Kapitulation der Naziwehrmacht
* 1. Mai in Berlin
* Berlin-Spandau: Siemens-Schaltwerk, Nonnendammallee 104
* 1. Mai in Münster
* Die „Spartacus-Briefe“ 1966-1967
* 1. Mai in München
* 1. Mai in Kiel
* 1. Mai in Düsseldorf
* 1. Mai in Frankfurt am Main
* 1. Mai in Hannover


* Zengakuren: Japan’s Revolutionary Students (1970)
* Adam Buick: The Role of the Soviets in Russia’s Bourgeois Revolution – The Point of View of Julius Martov (1977)

Luxemburger Anarchist:

* Gustav Landauer: Anarchische Gedanken über Anarchismus (1901, Auszug)

Centro de Documentación de los Movimientos Armados (CeDeMA):

* Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR): Construir y consolidar la retaguardia de la resistencia popular (1976)
* Movimiento Revolucionario 26 de Julio (M-26-7): Carta de Frank País sobre la organización del Movimiento 26 de Julio (1957)
* Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN): La Guardia Nacional hacia la crisis final (1978)
* Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN): El Frente Amplio, el pueblo a la cabeza (1978)
* Partido de la Revolución Venezolana – Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (PRV-FALN): Cinco años de combate por la liberación y el socialismo (1971)
* Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru (MRTA): Comunicado de apoyo de los presos del MRTA a los presos chilenos en Perú (2001)

Collectif Smolny:

* BILAN: Projet de résolution sur le problème des liaisons internationales (1935)
* BILAN: L’échec des premières discussions avec le groupe « Communist Class Struggle » (1936)

The Cedar Lounge Revolution:

* Nicky Kelly News (vermutlich 1983)
* Workers’ Revolutionary Party (WRP): Politics from the Prisons and other Articles about Ireland (1988)

Collective Action Notes:

* CICA: “What is the International Circle of Antiboshevik Communists?” Trans. from Spanish (200?)
* CICA: “Manifesto of the International Circle of Antibolshevik Communists” Trans. from Spanish (200?)
* Enric Mompo: Spontaneity in the Spanish Revolution (2001)
* Grupo de Comunistas de Conselhos de Galiza: The Councilist Movement in Germany: A History of the AAUD-E Tendency (2003-2004)
* Philippe Bourrinet: Victor Serge: Totalitarianism and State Capitalism (Socialist Deconstruction and Collectivist Humanism) (2001)

Workers‘ Liberty:

* Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels: Texts on Materialism (1859/1890, pdf-Datei)

Projekt Gutenberg:

* Ferdinand Freiligrath: Übersetztes. Neueres und Neuestes (?)
* Ferdinand Freiligrath: Ein Glaubensbekenntnis (1844)
* Ferdinand Freiligrath: Neuere politische und soziale Gedichte (1849-1851)
* Ferdinand Freiligrath: Ça ira! (1846)
* Peter Hille: Kinderliebe (Erzählung) (1894)


* Workers Vanguard: An Exchange on Nestor Makhno — Peasant „Anarchism,“ Pogroms and the Russian Revolution (1996, pdf-Datei, aus dem Hause Spartakist & Co., Diskussion dazu hier)

Europe solidaire sans frontières (ESSF):

* Soma Marik: Class Struggle and the Revolutionary Party: A Reappraisal of Rosa Luxemburg’s Theory and Practice of Party Building (1999)
* Catherine Samary: Europe: The EU’s eastward expansion (1997)
* Catherine Samary: Serbia: Milosevic’s Manoeuvres (1997)
* Catherine Samary: Ten days that shook Serbia (2000)

AustriaN Newspapers Online (ANNO)

* Arbeiterkammer Wien: Berichte der AK Wien (1924)

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