
… alle Verhältnisse umzuwerfen, in denen der Mensch ein erniedrigtes, ein geknechtetes, ein verlassenes, ein verächtliches Wesen ist … (Marx)


Posted by entdinglichung - 14. April 2011

1.) Die Internationale Kommunistische Liga (Vierte Internationalisten) (in der BRD SpAD) korrigiert ihre Position zu Laos

2.) aus dem Mai-Kommunique 2011 der Libertarian Federation of Iceland/Íslenska Frjálshyggjumaður Ríkjasamband:

„Iceland was the first Anarchy in the world, and the country is still anarchist. 01.05.1966 is celebrated as the Day of the Anarchist Revolution in Iceland, by libertarians word wide. Remember the anarchist economy in Spain 1936-39 was only in a part of the country, and thus Spain, the whole country, has never been an Anarchy. And ancient systems and countries, archi-societies, were based on slaves and/or lack of significant economic freedom, and thus practically certain never anarchies.“

3.) Familienkrrrach in der österreichischen Sektion der L5I: die einen wollen nicht mehr mit den anderen spielen

4.) Die Drückerkolonnen der Zeugen Avakians sind wieder unterwegs:

„Next weekend, April 15-17, should witness a major push to sell and distribute BAsics. This should encompass passing out promotional material and getting up posters… selling the book on the street… impromptu „read-ins“ of quotes… getting bookstores to order copies… getting unconventional outlets to take books wholesale or on consignment.

Also this week: choose a campus and get out there with the book. Then return once a week, same day, between now and the end of the semester, with the book again, as well as other materials. Get to know people. Become a presence.

In making plans, don’t fail to read and re-read the letters and interviews we have printed thus far—these give a real window into the great potential for this book.“

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