
… alle Verhältnisse umzuwerfen, in denen der Mensch ein erniedrigtes, ein geknechtetes, ein verlassenes, ein verächtliches Wesen ist … (Marx)

Archive for 16. Februar 2010

InPreKorr Nr. 18: Permanente Revolution in Süd-Arabien (1972)

Posted by entdinglichung - 16. Februar 2010

Permanente Revolution in Süd-Arabien (pdf-Datei, 8,66 mb) eine Sonderausgabe der InPreKorr vom 15. August 1972, welche sich der Revolution im Südjemen und den bewaffneten Kämpfen im Nachbarstaat Oman widmet. Die relativ optimistische Sicht auf die Dinge wurde leider einige Jahre später enttäuscht, die Isolation der jemenitischen Revolution im arabischen Raum, der geringe ökonomische Spielraum des Landes und die Abhängigkeit von sowjetischen und anderen Geldgebern führte zur Erstarkung der Bürokratie in Staat, Partei und Miliz/Armee, welche 1978 die noch am ehesten für eine revolutionäre und sozialistische Perspektive stehende Fraktion um Salim Rubai Ali gewaltsam stürzte und sich selbst im Januar 1986 in mörderischen innerbürokratischen Fraktions- und Verteilungskämpfen dezimierte, was den Weg zum Anschluss der Volksdemokratische Republik Jemen an den konservativen Nordjemen im Jahre 1990 ebnete. Islamistische Gruppen scheinen übrigens damals in der Region nur von marginaler Bedeutung bzw. nichtexistent gewesen zu sein.

Weitere Informationen zur Wahrnehmung der Ereignisse in Südarabien in der BRD-Linken gibt es auf Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition (MAO) hier und hier

Posted in Internationales, Jemen, Klassenkampf, Kommunismus, Linke Geschichte, Marxismus, Nahost, Oman, Revolution, Saudi-Arabien, Südjemen, Sozialismus, Sozialistika - Linke Archivalien, Stalinismus, Trotzkismus | 1 Comment »

Eine Erklärung sozialistischer StudentInnen aus dem Iran zum 22. Bahman

Posted by entdinglichung - 16. Februar 2010

Quelle des nachfolgend dokumentierten Aufrufes: Hands of the People of Iran (HOPI):

Statement from Socialist Students of the Universities in Iran on the anniversary of the revolution

Statement from Socialist Students of the Universities in Iran
In support of “European Students Union” and “Iranian Youth Network” for Europe-wide protests

Dear Comrades outside the borders of Iran!

At the anniversary of the Revolution of Bahman 1357 (February 1981), we are now witnessing the most unprecedented and inhumane violence against the Iranian people’s protests and movements, the people who after 31 years of poverty, murder, suppression and oppression have openly criticized and protested against the government which for all these years has violently denied their basic human and civil rights. This government not only has oppressed social movements such as movement of workers, students and women and political and social activists at various levels and stages, but has also invaded the private lives of ordinary people with devastating pressure and attacks.

We have witnessed in the past few months how this Islamic Capitalist Dictator government has attacked our people, whether they are men or women, young or old, in the streets, in horrific secret / underground prisons and have tortured them and kept them in detention under unthinkable conditions and situations.

We have witnessed how in recent months the chain of executions has increased and how numerous rings have been added to this chain. We have witnessed the unrealistic, theatrical-courts where arrested youth and students are forced to give confessions which are far from the truth and where they have been charged and sentenced to long-term prisons.

We believe these protests and campaigns will continue on its true path since it is based on a set of democratic and social demands which represent a vast majority of society i.e. the workers; students have always been an ally for the workers on this path to achieve their victory.

As it has been witnessed, in the past few months the student movement has experienced one of the most brilliant periods of its lifetime. It has been present through campaigns and protest and has not separated its demands from the people’s even for a moment.
The Iranian student movement has now been divided in two: half of it is in Iran and the other half is active outside the borders of Iran. In the past few months, the cohesion, cooperation and solidarity of the students outside the country has brought encouragement and hope for all student activists inside the country.

The call of “The European Union Students” and the “Iranian Youth Network” for Europe-wide protest to occur simultaneously with popular protests in Iranian cities on the 22nd of Bahman in order to oppose oppression, execution, torture, indiscriminate arrests, is another important step towards Alliance and Solidarity between our student movements inside and outside.
Therefore the Socialist Students of Universities in Iran while appreciating your efforts for this movement and other measures you take, announce their support.

Long live solidarity!
Long live the united struggle against the dictatorship!
Long live socialism!

Socialist Students of the Universities in Iran
February 2010 – Bahman 1388

Posted in Iran, Klassenkampf, Kommunismus, Menschenrechte - Freiheitsrechte, Repression, Sozialismus, StudentInnenbewegung | Leave a Comment »