
… alle Verhältnisse umzuwerfen, in denen der Mensch ein erniedrigtes, ein geknechtetes, ein verlassenes, ein verächtliches Wesen ist … (Marx)

Archive for 11. März 2008

Teamster Rebellion in Minneapolis 1934

Posted by entdinglichung - 11. März 2008

Ein kleiner Film über den militanten, von Mitgliedern der Communist League of America (CLA) geleiteten Streik der Lastwagenfahrer (Teamsters) in Minneapolis 1934, welcher neben dem im gleichen Jahr stattfindenden Streiks bei Auto-Lite in Toledo/Ohio und der Longshoresmen in San Francisco zum Ausgangspunkt einer neuen militanten Gewerkschaftsbewegung in den USA wurde.

Posted in Film, Gewerkschaft, Klassenkampf, Kommunismus, Linke Geschichte, Sozialismus, Sozialistika - Linke Archivalien, Streik, Trotzkismus, USA | 1 Comment »

Assassination of farmer left activitists by the NPA

Posted by entdinglichung - 11. März 2008

Erneut scheint die maoistische New People’s Army (NPA) auf den Philippinen gewaltsam gegen andere Linke vorzugehen, nachfolgend ein auf ESSF gefundener Artikel zur Folterung und Ermordung linker Aktivisten in der BäuerInnenbewegung, weiterhin sei auf eine aktuelle Rede der AKBAYAN-Abgeordneten Risa Hontiveros zum Thema und auf eine Reihe von älteren Artikeln im International Viewpoint, darunter eine Analyse von Pierre Rousset verwiesen:

Assassination of farmer left activitists by the NPA
8 March 2008

Even if less publicised than few years ago, the CPP-NDF-NPA maintains its policy of death threats against other sectors of the Philippine Left. This is true in many provinces from Mindanao and the Visayas to Luzon. For exemple, the three recent cases related below.

On November 30, 2007, a farmer-leader from Bgy, Royroy Batuan, Masbate, by the name of Salvador “Boyet” Vale, Jr., was intercepted on his way to the farm, and was made to descend from his horse with the use of an armalite. He was forcibly dragged to a nearby house where he was tied up with heavy rope. Bound and gagged, the men took turns hitting him repeatedly with their armalites and punching him in his chest, back, shoulders and ears. After three hours of repeated abuse, he was fed two spoonfuls of rice. Before he was released, he was warned not pursue their desire to own land via the government’s agrarian reform program.

On December 22, 2007, a recently-elected Barangay Captain and farmer-leader of Samahang Magsasaka ng Hacienda Batuan in Masbate, one Butchoy Vale, was killed by armed men and women at Sawang Batuan around 1 in the afternoon. His desecrated corpse, seen by his wife, was a mess of slivered intestines and there was a total of three gunshot wounds on his body, and one on his head. His permit to carry firearms bore a bullet hole and was found next to his body, leading to the conclusion that the piece of paper was brought close to his head and the bullet was made to pass through it in a final act of mockery. According to his wife, Shiela, Ka Butchoy had been receiving text messages from a certain Ka Ricky, known to the community as a member of the New People’s Army, discouraging the peasant organization from pursuing their land claims, in particular, the Petition for Leasehold filed before the Department of Agrarian Reform. It is a known fact that the landlord Rafael Resurecion, has been paying revolutionary taxes to the NPA platoon in the area.

On February 19, 2008, in Sito Centro, Bgy. San Vicente San Narciso, Bondoc Peninsula, Quezon, one Deolito “Julie” Empas, a farmer leader in the Uy landholding, was abducted by armed men suspected of being members of the NPA. Julie Empas is the farmer leader who replaced Felizardo Benitez who, it can be recalled, was also slain by armed men affiliated with the NPA. Months before his abduction, Empas had intimated to his wife that he was being sent death threats by the NPA. He was abducted in the very same place that Benitez was killed, and in the same locale where the death of Teteng Tejino and the attempt on the life of Junior Tejino took place.


Posted in BäuerInnenbewegung, Maoismus, Menschenrechte - Freiheitsrechte, Philippinen, Stalinismus | Leave a Comment »

„workers in struggle“ issue one

Posted by entdinglichung - 11. März 2008

Die erste Ausgabe der Zeitung der Gruppe Middle East Workers‘ Solidarity, Workers in Struggle ist erschienen. In ihr findet mensch Artikel zur Streikwelle in Ägypten, zur Inhaftierung von GewerkschafterInnen und studentischen AktivistInnen im Iran, die Planung US-amerikanischer HafenarbeiterInnen, gegen die Besetzung des Iraks und Afghanistans zu streiken, die Angriffe Israels in Gaza und weitere Kurzmeldungen zu Streiks im Nahen Osten. worker in struggle kann hier als pdf-Datei herunter geladen werden.

Ebenfalls neu ist die Ausgabe Nr. 25 der Arbeiternews (pdf-Datei) des Komitee der Solidarität mit den iranischen ArbeiterInnen – Hamburg, die neben Artikeln zur aktuellen Situation im Iran auch eine Solidaritätsadresse für die Bochumer Nokia-ArbeiterInnen beinhaltet sowie die Februarausgabe des Newsletters von ILRW.


Posted in Gewerkschaft, Internationales, Irak, Iran, Israel, Klassenkampf, Menschenrechte - Freiheitsrechte, Nahost, Palästina, Repression, Streik, Zeitschriftenschau | Leave a Comment »